2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@Typo-MAGAshiv oh I’m gay as hell. #MentalHealthHomo

2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@Initial-Glove they didn’t “let” her; she was expressly forbidden by her father. Oh, but it’s fine to disobey your father because he apparently is wrong and just wants to keep you down.

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2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@AFTSOV That’s not how birth control works. You don’t get a shot and immediately become immune to becoming pregnant. Getting on and off hormones repeatedly would be way worse for a woman’s health than just staying on them consistently.

Don’t ever do cream pies if you don’t want kids.

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2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@AFTSOV like @Initial-Glove said: hormonal birth control is bad for women’s health in general unless there is a medical reason for it. It sucks ass to be on it no matter how you use it. And you’re right, I’m not going to read that. Nothing is going to convince me that repeatedly tricking your body into thinking it’s pregnant for 3 months at a time and then trying to let it regulate its cycle on its own over and over is a viable or healthy way of living.

The best option is the fertility awareness method paired with constant condom usage. There are only five days a month where a woman with a regular cycle can conceive, and on those days vaginal sex should be avoided. Condoms should be used with all vaginal intercourse, and the male should pull out as well, just in case the condom is damaged.

And if you’re shagging a stranger, take that used condom with you, because bitches be crazy and the courts are fucked.

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2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

Please remember: Only two things will produce a decrease in body fat: a caloric deficit, or eating at maintenance calories but increasing exercise (which results in a recomp).

The only kind of pill you can take that will help with fat loss is a medication that will literally make you shit yourself because it stops you from absorbing dietary fat, and even then the body fat loss is a result of a caloric deficit from cutting out a whole macronutrient category. Also beware of products that just dehydrate you and make you feel like you lost fat when it’s strictly water weight (see: body builders dehydrating before a competition).

Any company or individual marketing products with “helps with fat loss” are trying to scam you. Do not waste your money.

Track your calories, eat nutrient-dense whole foods, get plenty of complete protein, and exercise. The only supplement you may really need is an inexpensive multivitamin.

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2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@Apollo common sense is not so common nowadays. You would not believe the number of people that have asked me “what I take” or have tried telling me about this miracle supplement that they’re trying out.

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2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@Apollo yes. The occasional man with a beer gut as well.

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2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@slutmagazine re-composition. Changing your muscle to body fat ratio.

2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@Zavss Don’t worry, I would have @‘ed you if I thought you did lol

2y ago  The Hub
Internalized Misogynist

@GrayMan Nah. Just eat a controlled amount of normal food and exercise however long it takes you to experience moderate fatigue. 2 gallons of water is too much for a lot of people. (Exceptions being those who are particularly large, extremely active, and/or suffering through hot weather.) 1/2 to 1 oz of water per lb of body weight is generally enough, or drink until your urine is light colored or clear. If done correctly, a recomp will increase one’s metabolism, not make the body “panic” and conserve energy.

Jumping into a fast, undertaking too much exercise, and over-hydrating is a good way to burn out, incur injury, and achieve only temporary results.

Fad diets r not güd

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