8mo ago  The Hub

@AndrewTatesPancreas Hi mate thanks so much for all your helpful advise so far

Hi all

So as previously discussed I screwed up by waiting a long time to message a girl this is how the conversation went


It's <name> we met in last week how are you? She replied Took you a week to type this text? I then called her shortly after and she didn't answer.

I then sent this:- Yeah, sorry, I've been researching the internet to find the perfect words that would totally sweep you off your feet. I made several versions, polled my peers, contacted a few professionals, and when I sent it I fucked up and sent it to the wrong person. Good news is, I found the right person and decided to just reach out normally. The bad news is, I have a date with Steve, my mechanic, on Tuesday. He's not my type, but I guess he does have a nice tooth. All joking aside I've been very busy and didn't want to reach out to until I actually had time to really connect.

Give me a call when you're free and we'll discuss our upcoming date.

2 days later I sent:-

Now who's being a slow poke? :P How was your weekend?

She replied Me? A slow poke?

I then had a call from her which I missed.

So the questions are:-

1) Do I reply by message or call her?

2) Do I invite her to my place for drinks or do we meet somewhere public? If it ok to wait until next weekend to meet or is that too long should I make it sooner?

3) I once told a girl I had a surprise planned and took her to a museum (great logistics as it's close to my house) she loved it. Should I use this approach.

I could simply reply are you free this Saturday 19th? And see what she says

I decided to ask you this time rather than just jump in as you're so good at game.

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8mo ago  The Hub

I didn't build hardly any rapport to be honest. So I should reply by message and say are you free this Saturday 19th? If she says yes then invite her to my apartment or somewhere else.

8mo ago  The Hub

@AndrewTatesPancreas Thanks for your reply I had huge huge abundance in Asia but here I agree I don't. I do however have a lot of other stuff going on in my life that is more important right now. I'm not really worried if it doesn't work out with this girl I just don't want to make dumb mistakes that's all dumb mistakes make me annoyed at myself. I don't think I'm going to be very high SMV to her to be honest I'm an average guy.

8mo ago  The Hub

@AndrewTatesPancreas My cold approach results seem to be about 1 in 7 so not too bad.

8mo ago  The Hub

@AndrewTatesPancreas Do you think I should tell her I want to take her to a surprise place and then take her to the museum? I did that to a girl once and she loved it but on the other hand it could come across as creepy

8mo ago  Ask TRP
Senior Endorsed

@Noonenoname I think you broke the connection by leaving her on read for a week for no real reason. You're marketing yourself, and when a prospect came into your shop ready to buy you ignored them for a week. Your last Hail Mary may have been when she called (but you missed it.)

Maybe shoot another text at this point, unless your cold calling skills are really on point.

Rather than ask if she wants to meet up, tell her that you're doing something or going to location at X date and time, and ask if she wants to join. If she's not able to but interested, she'll offer a different time when she is available.

2 1
8mo ago  The Hub


take her to the museum? I did that to a girl once and she loved it but on the other hand it could come across as creepy

Wait, are you taking her to the Museum of Tolerance?

8mo ago  The Hub

@EurasianChad What do you mean not get my reference? What reference didn't she get? Some people are saying my reply was lame but you're saying that she is lame for not having a sense of humour so which one is it?

8mo ago  Ask TRP

@MentORPHEUS Thanks for your reply yes I missed it because I accidentally left my phone on silent. It annoyed me but that's just how it goes. I suppose it's ok to miss a call as you don't want to be available 24/7 she called quite late at night too. I will send her a brief voice message and see what happens

8mo ago  Ask TRP

@MentORPHEUS I think if I call her she will be working or something and not answer so to avoid phone ping pong I will message her.

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