8mo ago  The Hub

@EurasianChad Fair point I suppose I think of this girl as practise maybe that's why I didn't message her that soon straight away yes I am asking lots of questions about how to respond to her but that's information I can apply to any girl in the future not just her. If I can eliminate silly mistakes and bad responses that will help me with every girl.

But yes there is a oneitis aspect to it as I havn't recently devoted time to getting girls numbers and dating as I have been busy with other things. A side effect of this is oneitis when I do approach and get a number.

8mo ago  The Hub

@AndrewTatesPancreas No mate lol I meant I get the phone number from about 1 in 7 or but I've only done it on a very small scale so far so may have just got lucky. Need to do it more for statistically significant results. However I live in a crappy town without many approach opportunities

8mo ago  The Hub

@AndrewTatesPancreas Things are getting weird I sent her a 14 second voice message inviting her to a museum on the 18th and she replied with a licking lips emoji. WTF am I supposed to take from that? If it was a restaurant invite then maybe that makes sense. Is she crazy or what?

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8mo ago  The Hub

@EurasianChad I agree it's more about me getting pissed off at myself when I make a mistake and trying to fix it than the actual girl. I get pissed off about other mistakes that have nothing to do with women.

8mo ago  The Hub

My friend is so lucky he was dating loads of women in Asia and ditched them all when he met a 25 year old virgin. He had sex with her and is now dating her exclusively. Such a rare find impossible in Europe!

8mo ago  The Hub

@mattyanon Thanks for your reply I updated my threat as you requested

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