3y ago  The Hub

Been watching alot of murder documentaries lately to the surprise that Capital Punishment in the States is on the decline. What does this say about society? Are we becoming more humane?

Or is society becoming pussified enablists who'd rather let vile sub-human pieces of shit live off of tax payer money behind bars than hold them fully accountable for their murderous, rapist ways? Any thoughts? Particularly for why the penalty shouldn't be used?

3y ago  The Hub

The perfect reason why to never turn a whore into a housewife.


3y ago  The Hub


cut up turkey or ham meat

I've found milti-pack store brand canned chunk chicken breast a great per-oz value for protein. If you have pets, they'll love the chicken water. Once I worked out how to microwave eggs, I could feast on high egg breakfast quesadillas at work without a kitchen.


instead of water use almond milk....

Delicious smoothie hack! Like so many consumer things, they took something really healthy and fucked it up with added sweeteners. Try bulk almonds, also walnuts, pecans, peanuts etc. Add to blender first with liquid ingredients enough to keep it from becoming viscous, that's the trick. Macerate the hell out of the nuts first, and you have the taste and texture of almond milk without the added sugars. Some brands of peanut butter add sweetener too, you really have to watch labels.

Another thing to add at the macerate stage is fresh cool/dark/airtight stored flax or hemp seeds. These are rich in omega oils, but they turn rancid and harmful as they age faster than the nuts above. Also works with sunflower seeds.

I used to make smoothie pouches, cut up a dozen kinds of fruit, proportion it to ziplocs, and freeze to drop into blender when ready.

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3y ago  The Hub

@INNASKILLZ2K20 Peanut butter is good for packing clean calories too. Another thing to consider is eating egg omletes sandwiches for lunch or breakfast.

Mix 3-5 eggs in a bowl, add spinach, cut up turkey or ham meat and throw it in. Can mix cheese in it, light a skillet with a bit of vegetable oil at medium heat, toss it all in and you have a protein packed solid meal.

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3y ago  The Hub

@INNASKILLZ2K20 Ever try skim milk proatmeal shake with strawberries & banana, blueberries & honey, or peanut butter & chocolate whey? It's filling and satisfies for at least half a day.

When I was in peak form before Covid that was my go to both for packing pounds and losing it. If you want more cals use whole milk instead of skim.

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3y ago  The Hub

@disabledtrp Appreciate it. Nothing's wrong with my tech just curious. I recently read somewhere that there are third party programs that can recover information after a reset.

If that's true people who use FR as a method to clear their phones before selling them are leaving their credit info, email accounts, and etc vulnerable.

I want to see how easily data can be retrieved from a reset to determine wh6or not to sell my old phones or just take a hammer to them.

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3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@TheStoicCrane Sounds like a typical liberal mind wipe to me.

3y ago  The Hub

Anyone know how to recover personal data after a factory reset?

3y ago  The Hub

@destraht Maybe you're like Bruce Willis from the 6th Sense!

3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@TheStoicCrane I'll look at these very late tonight. My initial assessment is that if you take the fast tests as junk data that there isn't any conclusive evidence that people actually did much dying from it. If you have a spiritual relationship with the testing data then everyone died. I'm probably already dead now and am merely a reflective ripple of my consciousness as it expands through infinite dimensions.

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