1y ago  Ask TRP

@Typo-MAGAshiv @goodmansaysfuckyou

You all may know that I am a single father. And my daughter is awesome. So I am blessed beyond words. She is 15 now and to my knowledge she has not had even the slightest of shenanigans.

For now.

I don't think parenting is like this kill shot sort of thing. You don't just instill a value and it takes hold. You have to repeat it without being repetitive, strong without being overbearing, stern without being too strict (otherwise they rebel - ask me how I know this one!), and soft when necessary, but never weak. As men we sometimes forget how fucking tricky this is!

I also do not speak to my own mothers and sisters any longer. Even if I did, they are the last people I would seek advice from.

So I come here once in a blue moon for insights, And between the two of you, I get an overabundance of support and wisdom. And for that I will be eternally grateful. You have no fucking idea.

I have written very long pieces for this form and our last home, so I like to write. I did dozens of those interview style THOT takedown things - which some loved and some hated - but the engagement was through the roof. (Reddit did well when it added the ability to see views/impressions. That was cool af to see.

Then the few "tales" and short stories. It is how I can preach to my kids, or share a message with other men - without standing on a soap box and finger wagging. That old TRP shit talking swagger is for younger men. It works sometimes.

So when I need fodder, pretty much the only place I have left that allows such things is here. Our library (sidebar materials) is voluminous, but it doesn't cover everything.

I would like to see myself as an elder statesman sort of man - or on my way to being one. I would also like to see myself as a good man - or at least trying to be one.

But I have made mistakes (small ones, but they had a bad impact), and I still cry tears of regret and loss sometimes. It is harsh and deep and can send lesser people into despair. But knowing that there are at least a few men - you two and several others here - who know how and when to bust balls, and when to throw a pile of sources or advice is valuable to me beyond measure.

And I know you know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

Happy Tuesday gentlemen.

And thanks.

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1y ago  Ask TRP


Don't want them ending up with a whore. Got to be well rounded enough so they can identify the signs of whoredom and appreciate the sensuality and inherent goodness of modesty like a grown assed man. There is no guarantee that she won't be a slut in sheep's clothing, but chances are better than trying to turn a hoe into a housewife.

Parenting is hard. Constant balancing act.

1y ago  Ask TRP

@deeplydisturbed I don't know of anyone else on here with daughters old enough for that to be something they know or experienced already. I know @PolishKnight has a daughter, but if memory serves me correctly, she's still a child.

I was surprised to see @goodmansaysfuckyou's reply with resources, since he only had sons.

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1y ago  Ask TRP


You are THE man. I am eternally grateful. Thanks.

1y ago  Ask TRP
1 6 + 2 10,000 fcks
1y ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR.


I don't get the income-hate, though. A 30-year-old who makes over $75,000 a year is in the top income quartile for his age. That's pretty respectable, but I suspect that most young women are as delusional about money as they are about height. A woman who thinks that 6'2" is average is also likely to think that $75,000 a year is below average

Get a load of this:


CC: @polishknight, @moorekom, @loneliness-inc, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @Kevin32

1y ago  The Hub

@goodmansaysfuckyou Oh, I already knew all that (except the part about home heating oil - that was new info for me).

The fuckery of the current administration has put us in a position to be at the mercy of OPEC and the rest of the petroleum producers

Yeah. Fist item of business after stealing the 2020 election was shutting down construction of the Keystone Pipeline and all related refineries and other projects, because we can't allow any good to come from the hated Drumpf administration.

Fast-forward to this year, and the child-sniffing Impostor-In-Chief is sucking Saudi dick to try to get them to lower petroleum prices, only for the House of Saud to pretty much say "we'll do what we want".

1 1
1y ago  The Hub

One other opinion...

The recession and inflationary issues that we had in the late 1970's were bad. By all accounts, our current path looks to be worse than those times.

To add insult to injury, I believe that it will be much worse because in the 1970's there were still people alive that grew up with hardships and could cope. Our current society is filled with spoiled and weak people that will not think twice about dishing an atrocity upon you when they are simply inconvenienced. Imagine what they will do when they start to get cold or hungry. Now imagine what they will do when their kids start to starve.

--thieve, rob, and kill for a piece of bread (and possibly get killed along the way)

--give all their rights away to the government "who is here to help"

--peacefully die off

All of those options lead to the same net result--tyrannical dictatorship.

The few that are prepared will have to fight to survive with what they have and then will be left in a nation/world where they are outnumbered by the shit birds that chose options 1 or 2.

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1y ago  The Hub


There are many issues contributing to the high costs. Inflationary spending and interest rates are just a part.

Our current issue of doubling food and material costs are mostly due to the energy policies and the subsequent costs. Most people don't put 2 and 2 together since the price of gasoline has only gone up around $1.50-1.75 per gallon in the past couple years. The cost of gasoline has been artificially held low(er) by selling off the strategic oil reserves and other manipulative factors in hopes of keeping people from loosing their shit prior to the election.

With that being said...

The real issue is that of Diesel fuel. Most everything that you eat was grown or raised on a farm using machinery that runs on diesel fuel. A lot of homes are still heated with heating oil which is diesel fuel without the road taxes. #EVERY single thing that you purchase is transported using diesel fuel (including the gasoline in your car). Trucks, trains, snow plows, generators, ships, etc all run on diesel. The price of Diesel has gone from (average retail) $2.50 per gallon in November 2020 to a rate of $5.32 per gallon today. Those expenses have and will be passed on into the purchase price of the commodities. There is no way around that.

The fuckery of the current administration has put us in a position to be at the mercy of OPEC and the rest of the petroleum producers. They have set their pricing and supply volumes to values that most benefit them (not us) because they can.

I hate to break the news to you, but it will not get any better for a long time, but it is going to get much worse in very short order.

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