7mo ago  The Hub


I've just been calculating my odds of having a friendship or growing a connection with those around me and I realize that kind of asshole game has been self-sabotaging.

That's not who I am. I want to radiate positivity, AND be good at game. I've been loosing myself in the process, and now it's time to take many steps back. No need for these game flourishes, just basic basic shit.

Remember that the way you already "naturally" are isn't working for you either. Growing your personality and repertoire of behaviors outside your current patterns always feels contrived and foreign at first. Keep going outside your comfort zone and trying new things and adjusting/calibrating according to results. What feels contrived at first becomes "natural" eventually, and your performance at it improves as you internalize it and don't have to use so much inner attention and processing in the moment.

Earlier today I asked a girl (5-6) from class to walk around with me. She was nervous and shy, but we spoke. I just ran very basic game, and wanted to be connected with someone at least momentarily.

That's good, keep doing this kind of thing ESPECIALLY while you are in college. You won't find a better pool of candidates after your last year of it!

I tried being nicer, but as soon as I got playful, called me and asshole and said "I don't like you." It wasn't a negative inflection (I don't think), but it was not what I wanted to hear in that moment.

This was almost certainly a shit test, not a neg, and you failed it by taking it at face value and socially folding/crumbling rather than maintaining frame. Keep calibrating and trying, this too will get smoother with more iterations and experience.

They're also all so different, blue pilled, and into video games or lack a self-improvement drive (which is important to me). We gotta have something in common.

You can usually find something in common with any group you find yourself jammed together with, usually external and circumstantial. This is the basis and social function of "small talk." Maybe study stand up comedy to up your banter game. Practice and calibrate small talk also, it is a learnable and refinable social skill that will spill over into success in pickup and dating.

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7mo ago  The Hub

It's starting to happen again, the loneliness. I know game works, and I've seen small results despite my poor (often overthought) implementation of it. However in the process of learning I've been losing my sense of self and can feel I'm no longer being authentic. Best and most recent example is of the flirty engaged/not whatever girl. I would keep getting into frequent states of assholey. So when I'm actually joking, it has less meaning.

I was only like that with her, but I realize the kind of game I've been running (w/ her) is a mistake. Sure it got me some texts back, but what was it all for? I knew it wasn't going to work out in that way, but I've also expanded my desires to include some platonic friends. I've just been calculating my odds of having a friendship or growing a connection with those around me and I realize that kind of asshole game has been self-sabotaging.

That's not who I am. I want to radiate positivity, AND be good at game. I've been loosing myself in the process, and now it's time to take many steps back. No need for these game flourishes, just basic basic shit. But here's the problem, I've tried that with other women and haven't had success. Closed several numbers the last week only to be left on read.

98% of the recent girls I've texted have left me on read. I've reached out to that cute Hot Topic blonde again. She asked who it was (got a new phone blah blah), only for me to respond and be left on read/unseen. Now she just responded as I type this out. We'll see where this goes. I'm talking to more and more women to cure scarcity.

I've decided to major in neuroscience and am currently studying (in free time) the neurobiology of human connection.

I've already been implementing the knowledge that I've learned and have been thinking about "brain coupling." It's where the two or more people's brains are literally in sync with simultaneous synapse firing. There's connection (or some) there. Now to implement it. Earlier today I asked a girl (5-6) from class to walk around with me. She was nervous and shy, but we spoke. I just ran very basic game, and wanted to be connected with someone at least momentarily. I didn't number close her on purpose. I'm finding I need to have more patience. I adjusted my game to genuinely understand her. She seemed receptive, was talking and finally starting to hold eye contact (she struggled to do that the first 90%), then I wished her goodbye.

For the neurobiology, I'm trying to see how this functions because I'm slowly getting beat up by my own brain. It feels like the pain centers are swollen, and I can feel myself shutting down. I did a cold approach today on top of that. Then I went to the game room and saw some regulars there plus ms flirty girl. I tried being nicer, but as soon as I got playful, called me and asshole and said "I don't like you." It wasn't a negative inflection (I don't think), but it was not what I wanted to hear in that moment. I was already shut down walking in, and felt more disconnected exiting.

I didn't feel a connection with anyone there, not even her. I didn't feel a connection to the guys. I'm trying to talk to more guys now in hopes of building something, but it seems useless. They're also all so different, blue pilled, and into video games or lack a self-improvement drive (which is important to me). We gotta have something in common.

I know this pain isn't forever, but I wonder how much longer it'll last. It still hurts, but I'm much stronger compared to years ago where I was suicidal. I'm going to continue to find myself as I try to appropriately apply game and stop forcing it. Sometimes the assholery just comes out cause the girls just keep shit testing over and over and over

and over and over and over. I need to not lose touch with myself in this process of learning game. The loneliness hurts, but I can take it. Now more than ever I want to help others. I've been wanting to volunteer for my local crisis hotline and have been reaching out. They're volunteer only, but they seem a little disorganized with the short staffing and recruiting opportunities. The woman who runes volunteering is presumable a volunteer with a real job and a life outside of the help center.

If I can't help myself see results no matter whatever the fuck I do, I at least want to help these lonely callers that dial in. It'll be like me in person giving my attention to others and making them feel great. But as things keep turning out, when I need something, no one is there for me. Left on read, every.. fucking.. time. I know I'm highly capably of helping others, so providing my listening ears to those dialing in would be a plus. At least I'm useful, can't let that talent go to waste.

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8mo ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv > So much for that.

yeah, that's not surprising to me. There are many young women out there who commit to billy beta high school before they realize what power they hold over men and all their potential options. They may feel a kind of guilt if they step out of the relationship OR (very likely) they can't stand the thought of not being in one and being alone. promise ring or not, young people are fickle, and thus will change.

Just bear in mind that if she does it with you, she'll do it to you. That's part of what I was getting at when I previously said:

it's possible.

Well shit. Is she a pill popper?

no clue. women are more impressionable and are constantly being influenced to pop pills or go to therapy. maybe this girl sees a different kind of light in me.

Just her atitude and behavior conveyed a kind of lacking in her life. I could be wrong though. One time she was studying me and just said that I was always smiling. Instead of listing out gratitude I took it as a shit test and said "I'm always plotting something."

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8mo ago  The Hub

@Vermillion-Rx I care about results period.

At least the best game sets you report anyway are with taken women, most of whom are acting this trashy with her non-bf are bored and dying for attention that her man isn't giving her. Bet if she was single and free she wouldn't be acting like this. This is your catch 22. You have bored taken women looking to spice up their day and getting results baited on them.

I think you're right that bored women flirt more, so what though. Shit testing as a single woman, taken but bored and horny, who cares. I'm gonna let her end her relationship, it's not my job to look out for her or her mans interests. Ideally I'd want her to break it off, in fact I hope for that if she's truly attracted to me and not to her bf.

If she does brake it off, then I don't have to worry about this beta hunting me down or all the other allegation shit you mentioned. Of course I'd prefer that.

Their motivations are driven by feelings, and is dependent on that. If she has so much fun with me and sparks are flying, then she may want to cheat, yes. But back to my earlier point, I'd prefer if she ended things.

I do have a lot of learning, and I'm cautiously proceeding with her. I repeat, it's not my fault her man sucks and doesn't give her tingles but that doesn't mean I'm quick to get her to cheat. I will enjoy this: imgur.com/a/bozgtmg

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8mo ago  The Hub

@Vermillion-Rx Hung up?

What are you talking about. I cold approached about 4-5 single women this week, and at least 1 the week before (I was messaging matty about her). 2 of 5 I number closed this week, and have a seed to close a third. I closed 1 (hb5.5-6) yesterday, and she said hello over text.

When I asked if she'd be at class today I got no response. Ghosted. I tried to game and number close an hb7 that sits behind me in philosophy. She wasn't biting one bit, still got a close and will text her tomorrow. Probably will get fucking ghosted or ignored because she didn't seem interested. The girl I closed last week was giving IOIs, but I'm not interested cause of her looks.

Now I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just providing the facts. It's seems forgotten that I walked away from a great interaction with a walmart hb8 with a chiseled face and great ass that was giggling because she said she had a boyfriend, but was wiling to hang out. I just walked away from that and I know that was a mistake.

So total single (as far as I know) girls I've gamed the last 2 weeks: 4

If we include the last 4 weeks: The hot topic girl that flaked, plus several other cold approaches which ended in rejection (that I don't mention because I'm tired about writing out every interaction) for a total of about 5-6.

Taken women: 1

So how am I hung up over single girls?

I don't think you realize how much cold approach I actually do. I think only a a few people realize the energy I put in across dozens of interactions with women (nearly all cold) only to be ghosted by most of them. I'm learning more as I go, I always don't go for a number close first thing. On Tuesday I didn't try to number close this freshman because I opened by asking if she wanted to join dance club. I was feeling off that day, so did what I could.

Fuck uninterested women, period. I don't care if she says has a boyfriend. At best it's a shit test, and worst they're relationship is dying.

I care about results. I care about improving my game in the more advanced stages that are tested when you know the girl. My interests and satisfaction also matter. I'm already living this male life where I need to pursue and build. Why the fuck shouldn't I do that? They're not married, I'm not committing adultery or a sin. If she's giving IOIs, I'll game her.

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8mo ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv @Typo-MAGAshiv misunderstanding. Promise ring of commitment to her boyfriend (I think), not purity (just adding clarification). She's also 18-19.

How? Details, man.

I gave a few already. Lots of em were coming from her sister, but after her sister left she was dishing em out. One was "You're not very nice" me: "many people are nicer than me" with strong eye contact and that was it. her tryna playfully push me outta the way (we're playing duos in ping pong) me: you can't move me, I'm big. (when she did that should she'd be between the table and me, so I'd be up right against an ass cheek). her: something about me being a toxic male and I'd just pressure flip with a tease or ignore.

I'm not saying they're easy to pass in general, I'm saying sparks were flying between her and I that we were in a kind of flow state. There was music playing that only we could hear. At the bodyguard part I had her chasing for my validation. Before that I remarked "use your imagination" (forgot what it was referring to) but it was sexual and she said "I have been." Lots of strong eye contact.

It was just flow state, and it was fun like that yesterday. In those moments I just forget everyone around me and we just have a blast.

therapy That and already being supposedly committed are two yuuuuuge red flags. I'd advise against anything remotely resembling a relationship or commitment.

It seems most girls seek some kind of counseling these days. I mean it's strongly encouraged after all. I could be wrong, but the therapy flag isn't as dangerous as other flags.. the REASON WHY she's going to therapy seems more important. She has other things going for her. Not very active on social media. Less than 100 instagram followers and following 124 people.

So what if she's in a relationship. It could be days away from dying and she may be getting ready to monkey branch. Now I'm strongly observing her behavior so I'm not to be fooled myself. If her relationship is dying and we go somewhere, so be it. It's red pill man, she may not be getting her fix from her man which could be why she's looking elsewhere. They may have been high school sweethearts, but if he's average she doesn't wanna stay with that.

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8mo ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS What I mean by "just had therapy" is literally just had it AFTER all the flirting. She did therapy over the phone after all the flirting. I kept playing ping pong, when she left.

You're giving the impression that therapy undid the sparks that were flying.

8mo ago  The Hub


Cool FR... until

She just had therapy and probably discussed this.

She just had therapy

Record scratch! Hope it still flies for you.

a girl I fingered and made out

Aretha Franklin did a song about this...

Make my finger stink (Stink!)

Stink about what you're tryin' to do to me

  • Stink (Stink-a-dinka dink!) etc


1 1
8mo ago  The Hub

[FR] Flirting between the masculine and feminine is a beautiful thing. This taken (with promise ring) has been giving me IOIs and we've been flirting hard. She literally has the lower half of a 9 (probably an 8 without the spandex). She's also hot up top, just overall a terrific figure.

She's the step sister of a girl I fingered and made out with last semester. So they're both attending together, and being sisters they share everything. Most of our dialogue has been hallway shit talk with lots of shit tests coming from the sister I made out with. She even straight up called me a man whore earlier this week. Easy shit test passes.

So going in I already have a reputation (and the sister has seen me talk with other women, so most of it is hamstered) plus a great first impression. I could tell the IOI sister was into me early on by asking about my major, waving at me, and indirectly asking to play ping pong. Also by overtly stating her schedule a lot and asking me about mine. I played ping pong with em and I'm on her team, kino and IOIs. (Yesterday for Ping-Pong and earlier this week when I noticed IOIs)

Played ping pong again today. This time her sister kept giving shit tests (she was opposite team) and IOI girl would defend me "you don't know if his music is bad". I said I got it and just kept passing them. IOI girl again said (also said this yesterday) I smell so good. me: "What did you say" her: "you heard me" me: "I just wanted to hear you repeat yourself."

More kino. She'd try to push me outta the way and sandwiched herself between the table and I a couple times. I slapped her thigh with a paddle for doing that. She'd say little compliments under her breath about me followed by shit tests about how I'm not nice, toxically masculine blah blah. Ended with me laughing and looking her deep in the eyes. She'd back down and said I'm a little intimidating.

The flirting got so heavy that she said I was going to be her body guard because this autistic kid overtly said he likes her figure and asked her to "turn around". That creeped her out, but it lead to more flirting. I said she can't afford my price. She begged to differ and insisted she'd pay anything. More talk and she tried to take half of the table to which I said "You can't take these inches.., actually you might be able to." her: "I'd take all the inches."

The kino was so heavy that if we weren't publicly at school I would've isolated and escalated. That just didn't cross my mind. I don't care if these girls have boyfriends anymore. It could not work out for any number of reasons. I still got her #. Being a man is a brutal game, and it's winner take all. She may be conflicted about this now, and I'm just gonna let that hamster spin and feel her way through this. She just had therapy and probably discussed this. If she cuts this off, oh well. I got more girls to game. Truth be told, if she thinks I'm the better man, then so be it.

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3 1
8mo ago  The Hub


I'm getting looks and IOIs from 14yo girls

These are sexual maturity newbies who suddenly realized they hold power over men, but have no idea how to wield and manage it, so they are testing this newfound power haphazardly. Assume they will react with wild unpredictability if a much older guy actually responds, because they mostly have no idea what the next steps are. Treat them as little sisters with solid aloof frame and observers will respect you for this. If you take the bait, observers might intervene violently and this can have long term legal and social consequences.

I (mid 50s) recently shared a meal with a neighbor and visitors. He (a pastor) later remarked the 14ish girl later asked if I was married or something. I wasn't paying attention to her in the moment, and played off the conversation with ignorant indifference. Not sure if/how the neighbor was testing me, but I didn't return interested or predatory vibes. Point of this is to confirm what OP is saying, these young girls can act damn bold nowadays.

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