3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@TiberiusBravo87 there was a twitter account posting her trades - @pelositracker
It's been banned.

Similar to the trackertrial account posting updates about the Maxwell trial. that account was banned shortly after it mentioned that a bunch of evidence had already been reviewed, tagged, and returned by the FBI.

3y ago  Wallstreet Bets



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3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@Dr_Cockasaurus why? how about a summary?

3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@sqerl any day now i'll have a profit !

3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@sqerl i knew this would happen

3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

Shibu up 30% in past 24 hours....

3y ago  Wallstreet Bets


Update on Shiba:

Kraken is excited to announce the listing of Shiba Inu (SHIB)!
Deposits and withdrawals are now open.
Trading is expected to begin tomorrow, November 30th

Let's see what happens :)

3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@TiberiusBravo87 It has a $20 Billion MC... no idea how popular in India.
Lots of negative market forces in the past week but a Elon tweet would make it zoom.
Its beyond normal, rationale thought. Being a meme coin, its all about when the next catalyst triggers a spike. (if short term price movement is the goal).... else, buy in and sit on it for a few months into 2022.

1 1
3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@Guy Right?! WTF India. oh well... they'll probably change their minds once they enact some tax regulations. Or they elect a pro-crypto leader one day.
Thanks for the dip India.

3y ago  Wallstreet Bets

@TiberiusBravo87 That whale scenario makes or breaks Shibu - at least short term.
Even if Robinhood was to list Shibu, any price spike may be the catalyst for the whale to liquidate.. even if only a portion, it would suppress the price. While there's a ton of energy behind Shibu to make it into something, there are competing forces for both upside and downside movements.
I bought in months ago so I'll ride it out for now. If it moons, great! Otherwise, its a waiting game.

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