3y ago The Dark Winter
@repillschool but what's the point of temporary misinformation? All votes are going to be counted nonetheless. And they'll look like chumps once it's done.
3y ago The Dark Winter
@Guy Most likely to discourage anybody in which polls are still open, and longer-term, any places they can try to ship in new "found" ballots.
3y ago Wallstreet Bets
@sqerl None that I can think of. You'd have a better chance tracking the communities around those altcoins.
Like, Cardano was made available on coinbase just 3 days after the announcement, I'd seen people complaining about its non-availability on coinbase just 2 days before the announcement.
Anyway that's a good idea. I'll try to look up if something like this exists.
3y ago Wallstreet Bets
@Guy Yea, Cardano available on Coinbase didn't impact the price since it was already available on other US exchanges. Altcoins introduced to an entire economy (in this case, Korea) made for a nice bump. Like you said, it may take a deep dive into individual communities to find the potential. Comparing list of coins available on Korean exchanges vs US exchanges may limit the search field but there has to be a better way lol
3y ago Wallstreet Bets
@sqerl Yeah dude. You can also do the opposite. I'm from India. The govt here has plans to ban all crypto. They'll present the bill in the next 3-4 months. When it does, just buy the dip.
3y ago Wallstreet Bets
@Guy Speaking of India, I was just looking at WRX.. the utility token for WazirX (India's cryptocurrency exchange). Perhaps if the ban doesn't go through, both BTC & WRX pop... if the ban does go through, it'll pop when the ban is rescinded.
There has to be some merit to coins being available to another countries and getting in before the pop. hmmm... still investigating.
@Fawk_Face "Get them addicted to you." Check out OmLala on reddit, man.
Guy had a post about doing this literally. Pavlovian way. He gave the chicks cigarettes to smoke after sex. Worked like a charm.
3y ago Wallstreet Bets
Amazing article on what blockchain world would look like. I don't agree with everything here, but things seem promising.
Excerpt : "What happens when you mash blockchains, Uber and Self-driving cars together? The self-owning car.
A car that pays for its lease, its insurance, and its gas, by giving people rides. A car that is not owned by a corporation. It is a corporation. The car exists as an autonomous financial entity, potentially with no human ownership.
When the Blockchain Man gets in the car, he will see a sliding scale offering him the ability to set an arrival time and calculate the cost of the ride. If he wants to arrive quickly, the car will make a flurry of micropayments to other cars allowing it to pass. If he’s not in a hurry, he may choose a later arrival time and lower fare, allowing other cars fly past in return for the lower fare."
Read MoreThinking of moving to London as a software engineer from India.
Now obviously it's not the US. Income tax is through the roof, will have to live in a box for 5-6 years in a heavily-populated city, but you get a British passport at the end of it.
What do you guys think?