11mo ago  The Hub

@carnold03 Here's an example about dogs: www.instituteofcaninebiology.org/blog/health-of-purebred-vs-mixed-breed-dogs-the-data

It's not black-and-white but there's a much longer list of genetic defects that are common in purebreds.

Another way of looking at this is that inbreeding is generally accepted as a bad thing, and mating outside your race is one way of avoiding inbreeding.

Of course if you take it too far and fuck a donkey, you might end up with infertile offspring, but I think there's an optimum distance-from-self for mating where the distance isn't zero.

In Korea they have an app to check that you aren't accidentally getting with your cousin, presumably race-mixing would allow them to have a higher degree of certainty that they aren't exposing themselves to inbreeding.

Health of purebred vs mixed breed dogs: the actual data
By Carol Beuchat PhD | The Institute of Canine Biology
11mo ago  The Hub


For example, Lenny Kravitz looks a lot healthier to me than the Prince of Wales. It's an example of hybrid vigor: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/heterosis

Do you have anything less fake and gay as your examples? Your sample of "hybrid vigor" I know firsthand is more the result of good makeup artistry, hair coloring, and wardrobe than good genetics or good upbringing.

11mo ago  The Hub

@carnold03 For example, Lenny Kravitz looks a lot healthier to me than the Prince of Wales. It's an example of hybrid vigor: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/heterosis

11mo ago  The Hub


O-This is an interesting one for me. Corporate ads definitely suggest this is happening in my opinion. But from a purely evolutionary perspective, I have some concerns about in-breeding in my own genes. Not like cousin-level inbreeding, but I do see some potential advantages in bringing in some new genetics.

So I guess the question is, why shouldn't I get on board and cancel out some of the accumulated defects in my relatively-narrow genetic background?

Please, elaborate.

11mo ago  Conspiracy

@carnold03 This is an interesting one for me. Corporate ads definitely suggest this is happening in my opinion. But from a purely evolutionary perspective, I have some concerns about in-breeding in my own genes. Not like cousin-level inbreeding, but I do see some potential advantages in bringing in some new genetics.

So I guess the question is, why shouldn't I get on board and cancel out some of the accumulated defects in my relatively-narrow genetic background?

11mo ago  The Hub

*140 lbs, can't math

11mo ago  The Hub

Life and Work in Midgar

Today I walked to work. I'm a member of the upper-middle class; I didn't have to take a bus or drive because I work on my own schedule. The corporate workers had to fight each other, either on the roads, or on the bus, to get to work on time.

I got downtown to the tower where I work. On the streets, the lower classes are visible. They are usually small people, maybe 40 pounds less than me on average. Still, they can be dangerous because they often carry knives or other weapons and are willing to use them. I could probably deal with these people but that would be illegal.

The tower where I work has security guards posted at the entrances. The security guards are also very small people; maybe 70 pounds less than me. I weigh about 210 so I'm estimating that the average security guard in this building weighs around 130. These are small people. Smaller than the crackheads. These security guards must have a hard life. It's almost like looking at a different species - light-weight, low-cost disposable workers for positions that aren't being taken seriously.

There was an article published by an 'intellectual' in my city, suggesting that we eliminate our elevated pathways in order to force the nobles into contact with the plebes. According to the 'intellectual', this would reduce crime, by making the lower streets less barren and sketchy. The intellectual, by the way, does not work downtown in these towers. The intellectual works far away in a different part of the city, in his own protected area.

I provide various engineering services; lately, our customer inquiries are coming with 'Diversity Questionnaires' attached. Thankfully, my coworkers are based and do not acknowledge the diversity questionnaires from prospective customers.

Some of my customers are concerned about 'protecting vulnerable people'. They want to know: how do our engineering services protect and benefit vulnerable individuals? Improved global efficiency isn't the answer that Diana Moon Glampers is looking for.

The offices on the floor where I work are 75% - 90% empty. I believe this is average for office towers downtown. My work is valuable in a complex globalized economy, but not so much in a more local simplified economy. I'm healthy enough that I could switch over to a trade, but all of my research suggests that this would lead to an immediate 50% reduction in income and probably a lot less job security.

Thank you for reading my rant. There is no conclusion. Get comfortable being reset to zero, I suppose.

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11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@firmware_pimp TRP is about #BiteTheFace. Everything else is a distraction.

11mo ago  The Hub


There is hard-core consensus cracking occuring on TRP right now. I remember some random going after me with "this is not a movement,

Agree when it comes to randos claiming this, but it boggles my mind when the likes of Whisper say the same.

I sure in the fuck am not motivated to invest time in this place in the name of nothing higher than quietly swapping notes within our own tiny circle.

11mo ago  The Hub

@RedPirate751 There is hard-core consensus cracking occuring on TRP right now. I remember some random going after me with "this is not a movement, we're just a bunch of idiots shit-posting field reports and copy-pasting pick-up material"

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