1y ago  Books

@deeplydisturbed Starship Troopers

1y ago  Books


What movie?

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1y ago  Books

@carnold03 Have to read that soon. The film is one of my favourites, seriously underrated. Those plastic actors, and the cheesy love triangle, is just perfect for a mock propaganda film. And then it punches you in the gut when shit gets real.

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1y ago  Books

Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein

Published in December 1959, one of American writer Robert A. Heinlein's most controversial bestsellers, "Starship Troopers" is a military science fiction novel about a recruit of the future as they undergo the toughest boot camp in the Universe—and into battle with the Terran Mobile Infantry against mankind’s most alarming enemy. The story was first published (in abridged form) as a two-part serial in "The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction" as "Starship Soldier".

The first-person narrative is about a young soldier named Juan "Johnnie" Rico and his exploits in the Mobile Infantry, a futuristic military service branch equipped with powered armor. Rico's military career progresses from recruit to non-commissioned officer and finally to officer against the backdrop of an interstellar war between mankind and an arachnoid species known as "the Bugs". Rico and the other characters discuss moral and philosophical aspects of suffrage, civic virtue, juvenile delinquency, corporal punishment, capital punishment, and war.

"Starship Troopers" won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1960.

Audiobooks on Youtube and Bitchute

#1959 #FirstPrinting #StarshipTroopers #RobertHeinlein #Books #Military #Politics #ScienceFiction #Philosophy

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1y ago  Books

What Is Spiritual Warfare? A review of Saint John Of Kronstadt's "My Life In Christ" – Roosh Valizadeh

Saint John Of Kronstadt is a highly esteemed Russian saint and miracle worker who died in the early 20th century. He was a chosen vessel that healed scores of people while foretelling the intense tribulation of the Russian Revolution. His spiritual diary, "My Life In Christ", is among the top three Orthodox books I’ve read. Every page is full of dense spiritual wisdom that beautifully harmonizes with what the Orthodox Church teaches. This is the first of four articles highlighting the best of Saint John’s lessons, starting with a description of spiritual warfare and why it’s so important to engage as a soldier of Christ.

Those who are trying to lead a spiritual life have to wage a most subtle and difficult warfare in their thoughts every moment of their life. This is spiritual warfare. They must be entirely awake, every moment, ready to notice every evil thought entering their souls from the evil one and to repel them. Such people must have hearts always burning with faith, humility, and love; otherwise, the cunning devil will quickly invade them, leading to lessening of faith or complete loss of faith. Then every possible evil will inhabit their hearts, evil that will not easily wash away even with tears. Do not, therefore, allow your heart to become cold, especially during prayer, and avoid stony insensibility in every way possible.


…the devil and his evil spirits, as simple beings—though far from perfect in their simplicity, and very limited—act on the soul quickly, instantaneously, as suddenly as lightning or thought. A momentary feeling of attachment to earthly things, or a momentary inclination of the heart to sin, a momentary doubt in the truth, and Satan penetrates into the heart, producing in a moment a violent passion in it. Afterward, according to the measure of our sympathy with the passion, he takes possession of us and drags us where he pleases as his prisoners, bound hand and foot. If we resist him, he strives to foil our efforts to strive for heartfelt faith and pious thoughts and feelings by darkening our mind and heart. In order to vanquish and drive him from your heart, you must produce perfect faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart and remember that the enemy is active within you, that your thoughts or the inclinations of your heart and will are sinful, ungodly.


[The devil] destroys us using our own mind, which should lead us to the eternal, living God! With our own ladles he draws for us the deadly water of worldly, vain wisdom, and gives us and other men to drink of it, instead of the living water of the Word of God! And we drink and drink, never suspecting that is it the water of death.


You can see that [Satan] is in you, but often you cannot rid yourself of him, because he usually takes care to close all the exits from your heart through unbelief, hard-heartedness, and other passions of his inspiration. “Your labor is in vain, fallen angel, I am the servant of my Lord Jesus Christ. You, who exalt yourself in your arrogance, lower yourself by thus violently struggling with me, weak as I am.” Speak thus inwardly to the evil spirit, who lies like a heavy load on your heart and compels you to all kinds of evil. These words are like fiery whips to the proud spirit, and he, shamed by your firmness and spiritual wisdom, will flee from you.


However slothful and weak your flesh may be, however inclined to sleep you may be, conquer yourself. Do not spare yourself for God’s sake; renounce yourself; let your gift to God be perfect. Give God your heart.

Article continues here: www.rooshv.com/what-is-spiritual-warfare

#2023 #RooshV #Review #MyLifeinChrist #TheSpiritualJournalsof #Saint #JohnofKronstadt #IvanIlyichSergiev #EEGoulaeff #Translator #ThePrintshopofStJobofPochaev #Books #Faith #World #Siberia #Russia #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #OrthodoxCatholicChurch #EasternOrthodoxChurch #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #Laity #Promiscuity #MentalIllness #MoralIllness

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1y ago  Books

The Red Queen by Matt Ridley

1y ago  Books

@Typo-MAGAshiv those are profound skills - 10 fcks.

1y ago  Books

@Chantfire how about these skills?

1 2 10 fcks
1y ago  Books

Just got my hands on Harvard Business Review's ultimate collection with 14 iconic titles.This collection is a good stop for anyone looking to improve their self or people management skills.

#HBR #Books #Collection #SelfManagement

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1y ago  Books

Corporate Cancer: How to Work Miracles and Save Millions by Curing Your Company

The corporate cancer of social justice convergence is costing corporations literal billions of dollars even as it drives both productive employees and loyal customers away, destroys valuable brands, and eats away at market capitalizations. From Internet startups to entertainment giants, convergence is killing corporations as they focus on social justice virtue signaling at the expense of good business practices, sales, profits, and retaining loyal customers.

In CORPORATE CANCER, Vox Day explains how you can fight social justice convergence in your own organization for both personal and corporate profit, and why you must do so if you want to keep your job.

#2019 #CorporateCancer #HowtoWorkMiraclesandSaveMillionsbyCuringYourCompany #Voxday #Books #Nonfiction #Amazon #Kindle #Corporation #Business #Commerce #Trade #World #US #Americas #Canada #Australia #UnitedKingdom #Europe #CultureWar #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Politics #Politics #Ideology #Nationalism #Populism #Fascism #Baizou #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Freemasonry #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness

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