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Spotting Danger Before It Spots Your TEENS: Teaching Situational Awareness To Keep Teenagers Safe
As adults, we like to think we have a good idea of what the world may have in store for our teenagers, but the fact of the matter is there's a vast divide between what we perceive as dangerous and what our teens are actually up against.
Teenagers face unique challenges when it comes to situational awareness.
These challenges are only exacerbated by the constant physical and biological changes teens are subjected to. As young people learn to deal with these changes, they begin to explore the limits of their individuality.
Unfortunately, this process often involves rebellious behavior and unnecessary risk-taking. The key to keeping teens safe during this time is to keep them alert and engaged with their environment.
Teenagers have to understand that real personal safety isn't about being scared of what lies around the next corner. It requires confidence that if something bad were about to happen, that they have these
Ability to identify the problem early Competence to develop a plan of action Power to control their fear Aptitude to implement that plan Spotting Danger Before It Spots Your Teens is designed around the principles of positive communication, trust, and teamwork. It’s written specifically to set parents' minds at ease and allow teens to confidently explore their independence, secure in the fact that they can spot dangerous situations before they happen and take the necessary steps to ensure their own well-being.
#2022 #SpottingDangerBeforeItSpotsYourTEENS #TeachingSituationalAwarenessToKeepTeenagersSafe #GaryDeanQuesenberry #Foreword #AmberLandry #Books #Nonfiction #Child #Teenager #SelfDefense #Family #Kindle #eBooks #Reference #PersonalDevelopment #CultureWar #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare
Read MoreHow to Deal With Narcissists: Why they Became Evil, How They Think, And Strategies and Techniques to Take Control by Michael Trust
A comprehensive guide to dealing with the narcissistic personality, How to Deal with Narcissists offers valuable insight into how narcissists are formed, what effects these developmental experiences have on the narcissist's brain, and how this information can be put to practical use in dealing with narcissists.
The author of this and several other insightful books has decided to make them available for free on amazon kindle to encourage their distribution to the masses. If you're an Amazon digital bookstore user, now's a great time to get them and see for yourself if they're useful in your own life.
#2020 #HowToDealWithNarcissists #MichaelTrust #Books #Free #Faith #World #US #America #Christianity #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #PopulationControl #ThoughtPolicing #Politics #Truth #Good #Vs #Evil #Lies #Amazon #Kindle #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreThe Socio-Sexual Hierarchy: ALPHA
Vox Day explains the nature and the behavioral patterns of the highest rank of the male socio-sexual hierarchy, the Alpha male. For more information on the subject of the socio-sexual hierarchy, check out his bestselling book SJWS ALWAYS DOUBLE DOWN: arkhavencomics.com/product/sjws-always-double-down-audiobook/
#2019 #Bitchute #Voxday #SocioSexualHierarchy #SSH #Alpha #Men #Males #Rank #Education #World #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare
A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality by Joseph and Linda Ames Nicolosi
Homosexuality: is it learned, biological or both?
The answer to this question deeply concerns parents. They want to know how they can best raise their children. A common belief today is that nothing can be done to foster the development of healthy heterosexual orientation in children. But the clinical experience and professional research of Dr. Nicolosi and others indicates otherwise.
In this groundbreaking book Joseph and Linda Ames Nicolosi uncover the most significant factors that contribute to a child's healthy sense of self as male or female. Listening to moving recollections from ex-homosexual men and women who describe what was missing in their own childhoods, the Nicolosis provide clear insight for identifying potential developmental roadblocks and give practical advice to parents for helping their children securely identify with their gender.
Replete with personal stories from parents, children and ex-homosexual strugglers, offers compassion and hope for all those parents who seek to lay a foundation for a healthy heterosexual identity in their children.
The 2017 edition can be found here: www.josephnicolosi.com/book-store/siayfehvtq7a22r4ud6yjkc8djhos3
#2002 #Edition #AParentsGuidetoPreventingHomosexuality #JosephNicolosi #Books #Nonfiction #Parenting #Sexuality #Research #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Relationships #FemaleHeaded #Household #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Pedophiles #Noncery #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #Politics #Ideology #Marxism #Feminism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreHigh-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way
High-intensity bodybuilding advice from the first man to win a perfect score in the Mr. Universe competition
This one-of-a-kind book profiles the high-intensity training (HIT) techniques pioneered by the late Mike Mentzer, the legendary bodybuilder, leading trainer, and renowned bodybuilding consultant. His highly effective, proven approach enables bodybuilders to get results--and win competitions--by doing shorter, less frequent workouts each week. Extremely time-efficient, HIT sessions require roughly 40 minutes per week of training--as compared with the lengthy workout sessions many bodybuilders would expect to put in daily.
In addition to sharing Mentzer's workout and training techniques, featured here is fascinating biographical information and striking photos of the world-class bodybuilder--taken by noted professional bodybuilding photographers--that will inspire and instruct serious bodybuilders and weight lifters everywhere.
#2002 #HighIntensityTrainingtheMikeMentzerWay #MikeMentzer #JohnLittle #Books #Nonfiction #Fitness #Exercise #Weightlifting #Health #Sports #Kindle #eBooks #Reference #PersonalDevelopment #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare
Read MoreStarting Strength: Basic Barbell Training
Starting Strength has been called the best and most useful of fitness books. The second edition, Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, sold over 80,000 copies in a competitive global market for fitness education. Along with Practical Programming for Strength Training 2nd Edition, they form a simple, logical, and practical approach to strength training. Now, after six more years of testing and adjustment with thousands of athletes in seminars all over the country, the updated third edition expands and improves on the previous teaching methods and biomechanical analysis. No other book on barbell training ever written provides the detailed instruction on every aspect of the basic barbell exercises found in SS:BBT3. And while the methods for implementing barbell training detailed in the book are primarily aimed at young athletes, they have been successfully applied to everyone: young and old, male and female, fit and flabby, sick and healthy, weak and already strong. Many people all over the world have used the simple biological principle of stress/recovery/adaptation on which this method is based to improve their performance, their appearance, and their long-term health. With over 150,000 copies in print in three editions, Starting Strength is the most important method available to learn the most effective way to train with barbells -- the most important way to improve your strength, your health, and your life.
- Why barbells are the most effective tools for strength training.
- The mechanical basis of barbell training, concisely and logically explained.
- All new photographs and improved illustrations of all the lifts, and the biomechanics behind them.
- Complete, easy-to-follow instructions for performing the basic barbell exercises: the squat, press, deadlift, bench press, power clean, and the power snatch.
- Revised instruction methods for all six lifts, proven effective in four years of seminar, military, and group instruction.
- How the human body adapts to stress through recovery, and why this is the foundation of the development of strength and lifetime health.
- How to program the basic exercises into the most effective program for long-term progress.
- Completely indexed.
- The most productive method in existence for anyone beginning a strength training program.
Mark Rippetoe is an American strength training coach and author. He has published a number of books and peer-reviewed articles. He has a BSc in geology with a minor in anthropology, but no degree in exercise science. He has several decades of experience as a strength coach, nearly a decade of experience as a competitive powerlifter, and is currently a gym owner..
#2011 #MarkRippetoe #StartingStrength #BasicBarbellTraining #3rdEdition #Books #Nonfiction #Fitness #Exercise #Weightlifting #Health #Reference #PersonalDevelopment #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare
Read MoreThe Socio-Sexual Hierarchy
The original definitions of the SSH profiles
ALPHA: The Alpha is the tall, good-looking guy who is the center of both male and female attention. The classic star of the football team who is dating the prettiest cheerleader. The successful business executive with the beautiful, stylish, blonde, size zero wife. All the women are attracted to him, while all the men want to be him, or at least be his friend. At a social gathering like a party, he's usually the loud, charismatic guy telling self-flattering stories to a group of top-tier women who are listening with interest. However, Alphas are only interested in women to the extent that they exist for the Alpha's gratification, physical and psychological, they are actually more concerned with their overall group status.
BRAVO: Bravos are the good-looking guys who aren't as uniformly attractive or socially dominant as the Alpha, but are nevertheless confident, attractive to women, and do well with them. At the party, they are the loud guy's friends who showed up with the alcohol and who are flirting with the tier-one women and cheerfully pairing up with the tier-two women. Bravos tend to genuinely like women and view them in a somewhat optimistic manner, but they don't have a lot of illusions about them either. Bravos tend to be happy, secure in themselves, and are up for anything their Alpha wants to do. When they marry, it is not infrequently to a woman who was one of the Alpha's former girlfriends.
DELTA: The normal guy. Deltas are the great majority of men. They can't attract the most attractive women, so they usually aim for the second-tier women with very limited success, and stubbornly resist paying attention to all of the third-tier women who are comfortably in their league. This is ironic, because Deltas would almost always be happier with their closest female equivalents. When a Delta does manage to land a second-tier woman, he is constantly afraid that she will lose interest in him and will, not infrequently, drive her into the very loss of interest he fears by his non-stop dancing of attendance upon her. In a social setting, the Deltas are the men clustered together in groups, each of them making an occasional foray towards various small gaggles of women before beating a hasty retreat when direct eye contact and engaged responses are not forthcoming. Deltas tend to put the female sex on pedestals and have overly optimistic expectations of them; if a man rhapsodizes about his better half or is an inveterate White Knight, he is almost certainly a Delta. Deltas like women, but find them mysterious, confusing, and are sometimes secretly a little afraid of them.
GAMMA: The introspective, the unusual, the unattractive, and all too often the bitter. Gammas are often intelligent, usually unsuccessful with women, and not uncommonly all but invisible to them, the Gamma alternates between placing women on pedestals and hating the entire sex. This mostly depends upon whether an attractive woman happened to notice his existence or not that day. Too introspective for their own good, Gammas are the men who obsess over individual women for extended periods of time and supply the ranks of stalkers, psycho-jealous ex-boyfriends, and the authors of excruciatingly romantic rhyming doggerel. In the unlikely event they are at the party, they are probably in the corner muttering darkly about the behavior of everyone else there... sometimes to themselves. Gammas tend to have have a worship/hate relationship with women, the current direction of which is directly tied to their present situation. However, they are sexual rejects, not social rejects.
OMEGA: The truly unfortunate. Omegas are the social losers who were never in the game. Sometimes creepy, sometimes damaged, often clueless, and always undesirable. They're not at the party. It would never have crossed anyone's mind to invite them in the first place. Omegas are either totally indifferent to women or hate them with a borderline homicidal fury.
SIGMA: The outsider who doesn't play the social game and manage to win at it anyhow. The Sigma is hated by Alphas because Sigmas are the only men who don't accept or at least acknowledge, however grudgingly, their social dominance. Everyone else is vaguely confused by them. In a social situation, the sigma is the man who stops in briefly to say hello to a few friends accompanied by a tier-one girl that no one has ever seen before. Sigmas like women, but tend to be contemptuous of them. They are usually considered to be strange, but cool. Gammas often like to think they are Sigmas, failing to understand that Sigmas are not social rejects, they are at the top of the social hierarchy despite their refusal to play by its rules.
LAMBDA: Those men who have quite literally no interest in conventional male-female sexual relations. They clearly have their own hierarchy of sorts, but I can't say that I know much about it other than it appears to somehow involve youth, free weights, and mustaches.
Now, it is important to keep in mind that it serves absolutely no purpose to identify yourself in some manner that you think is "better" or higher up the hierarchy. No one cares what you think you are and your opinion about your place in the social hierarchy is probably the opinion that matters least. There is no good or bad here, there is only what happens to be observable in social interaction. Consider: Alphas seemingly rule the roost and yet they live in a world of constant conflict and status testing. Sigmas usually acquired their outsider status the hard way; one seldom becomes immune to the social hierarchy by virtue of mass popularity in one's childhood. Bravos... okay, bravos actually have it pretty good. But the important thing to keep in mind is that you can't improve your chances of success in the social game if you begin by attempting to deceive yourself as to where you stand vis-a-vis everyone else around you.
For more information: sigmagame.substack.com/p/the-socio-sexual-hierarchy
#2024 #Voxday #SSH #SocioSexualHierarchy #Men #Males #Rank #Education #World #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare
Read MoreIt’s not just the "vaccinated" that are having health issues:
#2024 #Covid19 #Vaccines #mRNA #Immunodeficiency #Cardiovascular #HeartFailure #Health #World #US #America #BiologicalWarfare #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Sacrifice #Mass #Murder #Euthanasia #Sterilization #PopulationControl
Christianity is not “the tradition of the elders”
Judeochristianity is, and has always been, an ahistorical deception targeting naive American Christians. Unlike Europeans, most 20th-Century Americans knew nothing about Jews or their history, which is why the post-1945 propaganda campaign to convince American Christians that they shared a common faith heritage with Jews rather than a completely antithetical one was mostly successful.
However, Judaism is not, and has never been, the religion of the Old Testament as followed - however haphazardly - by the Biblical 12 Tribes of Israel. In fact, rabbis such as Stephen Wise, the founder of the NAACP and president of the American Jewish Congress when it declared war on Germany in 1933, customarily referred to the Old Testament religion as "Hebrewism" in order to distinguish it from "the tradition of the elders" which began to take shape in 538 BC. This tradition continued to evolve into and beyond Jesus Christ's day, and is specifically referred to in the New Testament, as the followers of Jesus Christ rejected it from the literal beginning of Christianity.
“Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders…?”
- Mark 7:5, also Matthew 15:2
The tradition of the elders was completed in its written form around 475 AD and the oldest extant manuscript dates back to 1342 AD. This tradition is the religion of the Pharisees that is today known as "Judaism" and it has less in common with the religion of the Hebrews of the Old Testament than Mormons and Muslims do with the Greek Orthodox Church.
"The return from Babylon and the adoption of the Babylonian Talmud marked the end of Hebrewism and the beginning of Judaism."
- Stephen Samuel Wise
The Babylonian Talmud comprises the Mishnah and the Babylonian Gemara, the latter representing the culmination of more than 300 years of analysis of the Mishnah in the Talmudic Academies in Babylonia. The foundations of this process of analysis were laid by Abba Arika (175–247), a disciple of Judah ha-Nasi. Tradition ascribes the compilation of the Babylonian Talmud in its present form to two Babylonian sages, Rav Ashi and Ravina II. Rav Ashi was president of the Sura Academy from 375–427. The work begun by Rav Ashi was completed by Ravina, who is traditionally regarded as the final Amoraic expounder. Accordingly, traditionalists argue that Ravina's death in 475 is the latest possible date for the completion of the redaction of the Talmud.
- Wikipedia
Regardless of what you may happen to think of either religion, the fact is that anyone who claims Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism is hopelessly incorrect and his level of knowledge of the subject does not even rise to that of Wikipedia.
Jews and Christians differ on every single fundamental principle—even on the meaning of core Scriptural texts. More crucially, Christians rely on the Old Testament for legal delineation; whereas Jews rely solely upon our rabbinic tradition. We never, ever turn to our Bible for legal guidance, only to our rabbinic literature. To suggest that our Sages had anything at all in common with the likes of Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Carter or Pat Robertson is a slap in the face of 2500 years of scholarship.
- The Jewish Press
#2021 #Voxday #Blog #Article #Faith #World #US #America #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #Laity #Clergy #Truth #Vs #Lies #Promiscuity #Politics #Ideology #Tribalism #Zionism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Fascism #Baizou #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Technocracy #Freemasonry #RabbinicalJudaism #JudeoChristianity #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read More"Pimp: The Story of My Life" by Iceberg Slim aka Robert Beck.
Iceberg Slim, also known as Robert Beck, was born in Chicago in 1918 and was initiated into the life of the pimp at age eighteen. He briefly attended the Tuskegee Institute but dropped out to return to the streets of the South Side, where he remained, pimping until he was forty-two. After several stints in jail he decided to give up the life and turned to writing. Slim folded his life into the pages of seven books based on his life. Catapulted into the public eye, Slim became a new American hero, known for speaking the truth whether that truth was ugly, sexy, rude, or blunt. He published six more books based on his life and Slim died at age 73 in 1992; one day before the Los Angeles riots.
Iceberg Slim’s autobiographical novel sent shockwaves throughout the literary world when it published in 1969. Groundbreaking for its authentic and oft-brutal account of the sex trade, the book offers readers an unforgettable look at the mores of Chicago’s street life during the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. In the preface, Slim says it best, “In this book, I will take you, the reader, with me into the secret inner world of the pimp.” With millions of copies sold, Pimp has become vital reading across generations of writers, entertainers and filmmakers alike, making it a timeless piece of American literature.
#1967 #Edition #Pimp #TheStoryofMyLife #IcebergSlim #RobertBeck #Books #Biography #Crime #Procurer #Prostitution #Dark #Sexuality #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Relationships #Marriage #Divorce #FemaleHeaded #Household #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Noncery #Pedophiles #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read More