@Typo-MAGAshiv hell fucking no. I am kinda busy these days, a couple of weeks I'll be back indulging in degenerate activities and you'll hear about my first slay
@Typo-MAGAshiv Early adopters of EV's were given generous rebates, access to free charging and, in some areas, given single occupant access to HOV Lanes.
I'm not sure if the rebates are still being offered, and unless it's a Tesla branded charging station, they are now pay to use in many areas.
For some reason beyond intelligence, they still allow them to use the HOV Lanes, leaving the vehicles that do release the emissions they have rallied on about, idling...
I live in an area where it easily gets to -20°C and lower in Winter, and the nearest Tesla repair center is a 5ish hour drive away.
Hybrid would be the better option in many places, ICE are still too good to give up on for many years, despite Governments trying to eliminate them in the next 10 years.
I have heard @ryanstone mentioning/quoting @Mentotpheus, but he couldn't exactly remember who he is personally so called him a philosopher/scientist or something. I'm not sure is it this @mentorpheus but it sounded the same.
Yes, NGL it was quite the dopamine rush to hear my post from 5+ years ago discussed.
The post in question was about using E Prime in discussions. This is a subset of English minus the verb to be, for example is, was, etc. I still try to use this in serious posts though it can make the wording a bit tedious. The idea is to not use IS because it potentially shapes and limits one's understanding of the thing discussed, like implying that some quality (he IS an incel, a boomer, a liberal etc) is an immutable, permanent, and all-defining fact of the thing discussed. In practical terms, one substitutes adjectives (he behaves like a boomer) or verbs (a Tesla goes fast; gender affirming surgery becomes problematic) to highlight and parameterize the writer's point.
Funny thing about his comment: I am not a scientist or philosopher by trade; I made my living working as a "lowly" blue-collar mechanic. However, that doesn't define me overall, for in my spare time read voraciously and owned several cases of science, philosophy, psychology, and political books. Goes to show describing me by saying I am a mechanic or I am a scientist/philosopher leaves out more than it illustrates toward an accurate description of me.
Read MoreNot from the beginning, especially not Rollo, his real name is George.
@redhawkes wait, you mean Rian and Rollo aren't using their real names?!