1y ago  The Hub


Talk about a blast form the past!

Hah, it was way before I even got on reddit. I only saw it in an archived post or two.

If you hadn't gone on and on about it, I'd have forgotten all about it!





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1y ago  The Hub
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1y ago  The Hub

Hey. It's at the top now.

A) That was way easier than I expected.

B) this is why I preach to be the change you want to see! those of you who have complained that #CarnoldIsASpammer can affect further change.



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1y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool whoa! WHOA! WHOA!


Don't be giving @DeeplyDisturbed credit for my creation, hashtag #CatholicsArePedos!

And DD, you just soaked up that undeserved credit like welfare recipient!

both of you, have some vcards!

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1y ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair
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1y ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair


Ah! That makes sense.

Too bad that #CarnoldIsASpammer and such a shame that #CatholicsArePedos

1y ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair
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1y ago  The Hub


carnold's dumbass hashtags continue to fill the sidebar here

There was a recent conversation (and I forget with whom at the moment) in which I exhorted a couple of people to be the change they wished to see on this, instead of just complaining.

We outnumber him. It should be pretty easy. When I start posting to my Would Not Bang tribe again, I'll do my part and use hashtag #WouldNotBang.

Hell, let's start now: #CatholicsArePedos

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