11mo ago  The Hub


that he probably got from you lol.

He did! Haha

I'm pissed I missed a chance to roast #HeightTranny. I'd have dropped everything else just go3 make fun of his retarded ass.

Maybe I should quit my job and spend all day on the dot reds lol.

11mo ago  The Hub

I have a shiny Chad coin for anyone who can post screenshots of what #HeightTranny said yesterday before he deleted everything.

Strongly prefer with the replies to him in there too, but I'll take what I can get.

3 2
1y ago  The Hub


LMAO. Let's break this down.

Stupid compared to what?

Pretty much anything. You mutilated yourself.

Being forced into marrying a Western woman

Forced? What, you think someone held a gun to my head?

due to aging

I was 25. If anything, I was nowhere near even peaking yet.

  • lack of options

I picked her to upgrade from among many options, and she continues to add real value to my life.

You'll probably never know what this is like. You'll always have to wonder if any woman you get with (if you manage to find one who doesn't notice your lack of proportionality) would have gotten with you when you were still natural and unmutilated.

and obsessing over other men's bodies like a bisexual?

Making fun is obsessing?

Ok, buddy tard.

you can post your results and prove me wrong but we both know you won't.

Goddamn right I won't. I'm not risking getting doxxed to satisfy the curiosity of some retarded #HeightTranny. I'll stay anonymous, and you'll stay mutilated.

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1y ago  The Hub


shortcuts without doing the hard inner work

Such as stupid cosmetic surgeries?


1 4 16 fcks
1y ago  The Hub

@58to62LegLengthening holy shit, the #HeightTranny comes out of its coma.

1y ago  The Hub


Baby giraffes are lanky and all legs. If I added four inches to my legs (obviously nothing else would change), it would look pretty weird


Whenever you have a spare chunk of time, you should go back and read through some of the threads with the #HeightTranny, especially @woodsmoke's comment about proportionality.

1y ago  The Hub


I might have believed him

I believe him, at least as far as his experiences he shared.

I only think he has the wrong idea about the whys and wherefores.

I might also add, that for all that I think the shoes were a magic feather and kind of gay, at least he didn't go to such lengths as to have a surgeon break and stretch his legs like that #HeightTranny jackass did.

1 1
1y ago  The Hub


Gene Ray the Time Cube Guy.

[One Google search later...]


You can't let nonsense go unanswered...don't DEBATE...LAUGH

Mockery? Hell yeah. This is my bailiwick.

Just one example: you missed all the #HeightTranny stuff a while back.

www.trp.red/feed/status/148059 <--- just a glimpse at the retardation.

Also, tag @JamesSkepp: it appears that you were mistaken in your assessment here. Coupled with what I said in my original reply to that linked post, that dipshit #HeightTranny deleted almost everything he ever said, from his dumbest replies in which he said that I might have done more weight and/or more reps had I only been a wee bit taller, to his very first post ever on this platform seeking validation for a stupid decision to which he'd already committed and followed through. He was most likely for real, and made most of his posts while drunk and/or on painkillers, then deleted them once he sobered up.

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1y ago  The Hub

@Lone_Ranger that dipshit's subsequent reply to you shows that he's not worth bothering with.

At least #HeightTranny was fun, though a completely insane retard.

1y ago  The Hub


Claiming that reading books makes you smart is like claiming that bumping your head on low ceilings makes you tall.

Joke's on you! The swelling added 1/4" of height! Now I'm a #HeightTranny too! So there!

Kidding around aside....

Sure, you can make the best of what intelligence you do have by filling yourself with well-chosen information, and learning critical thinking skills.

hell, even smart people can have their heads filled with utter garbage and never realize it. Double-digit IQ types can read Leibniz and not be any better for it due to lack of understanding.

I mean, reading will sharpen your sword if it's good material, but you have to have a sword in the first place, as opposed to a flat rock.

I used to extend the benefit of the doubt and think most of those people meant that reading makes one more knowledgeable, but no, they really did mean smarter.

Evidently, it didn't work on them.

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