11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

Does anyone here think that AI will be able to walk the fine line of being such an almost-insane and almost-completely-intolerable poster like I am? For example, in a damp den of veterans I said "You killed brown babies" to rile everyone up revealing the true state of things, but an AI will say "You ate brown babies". That is just too damn like "Nah, you didn't just say that". It's too much too weirdo fuck to be moshable.

I also do things like say #BiteTheFace, which more than implies that you should be at least morally fine with biting someone's face off. In that is implied a bit of blood, but I stop far short of saying that it's a good source of iron. It is when cooked properly, but damn bro, get that somewhere else. Ideally big steaks.

Are you prepared to face fuck each other sniffing out skin jobs or are you going to be little bitches being slow roasted as tireless Soros servers devour your soul? Are you to prepared to feed the AI with bits of fun info? Will you gossip about yourself? Will you dare the insane to use their machines to collect evidence of your own insanity? At the end of the day, whatever they could have on you is exactly the amount of power that they already had. Not even a bit more.

The shit that you might say can only be used against you by someone who already delicately holds your nuts.

If you can't say something weird, it's because you're a bitch. If you can't say something weird between the believability space of a normal human and an antagonistic AI then it means that you don't really understand your environment and the social system that governs your behavior (as a beta bitch).

I just bit off your face, and what? Was I smitten down? Did my woman leave me? Was I evicted from my land? Did I lose a client? Was I filtered out? Did the people who've blocked me not still just read me anyways? Not even slightly.


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11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@firmware_pimp TRP is about #BiteTheFace. Everything else is a distraction.

11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief


That, not irrational and abstract leftist environmentalist ideology as often gets blamed, is why we don't have nice things like breeder reactors and thorium power on the funding table today.

The powers that be tell people what they want by sledgehammering it into them. You reveal your pathetic world view when you state that the powers that be are subject to the restrictions of the democratized normies. Especially at this point you should know better. "Ah shucks, we have to spend trillions of dollars on these wars because Karen is too fierce for us".

If you'd stop doing the unmentionable long enough then perhaps you could learn to #BiteTheFace.

Or perhaps more pedantry? I know that you guys think that you're really clever, and that I'm so wrong. Especially with the fact that the Hungarian statue has a cross out-stretched, and not his palm as I remembered. Then also that he was killed by Hungarian pagans and not Muslims. You two both reveal how pedantic that you are when thinking that it's a gotcha moment. So what do you think happened after this Hungarian paganism stopped being a thing, and that the threat to their religion was from Muslim hoards? Is it possible that it could take on a new meaning? Is it possible that an identification with Christianity in opposition to it's opponents could be the point of it all - specifically in how it relates to Hungary being willing to actually defend its culture in modern times with a line in the sand? Nope, it's pedantry hour with the autistic fools.

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1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@RedPirate751 @Desaint

So I want to tell you about some seriously hilarious #BiteTheFace mind game shit. This jealous American was trying to get me kicked out the apartment. He told another guy that he was going to basically invade our shared apartment to fuck with me. So I reminded him (the messenger) that I have a stupidly large and obtuse knife from the jungle of Nicaragua from where I was before.

I told him that I'll fight him if I see him in the street, but that if he comes to my apartment then I'm going to use my knife. I then looked at him with the most innocent sweet face that you've ever seen as I asked him "Is it legal to stab people in China if they enter your house?". I then began to stare off like a traumatized Vietnam War vet as I repeatedly stabbed the air from below. From my peripheral vision I could see him in utter shock with his mouth open. I stabbed the air a few more times. Then I snapped back to normal and looked at him like "What were we talking about?".

Long story short, nobody was threatening to invade my apartment after that.

As you'll read in the previous post, I was being seriously fucked with so that they could poach me to start their own company. I definitely got the ass end of that whole game, but I still had my moments.

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1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Desaint So you were tense or something?

I think that it works because in more primitive or hard situations that men aren't able to bully other men to extreme just because they have 20 pounds of muscle on them. The weaker dude could easily kill the stronger dude with one slick move, and it's just not worth it. Big dudes can crack their head open on concrete after being tagged in the jar, etc. However, without weapons, teeth or any social ability to be violent then in modern society the bigger dude has a huge advantage because he can just mass his way through people and they're going to tip over. Socially what could you do to a larger dude if society says that you can't punch them, or do anything violent?

You need to be internally ready to snap, and to just go all psycho freaky shit on people. A wise black man once said: "Nobody wants to a fight a crazier nigger". So if you're white then you should be trying to be studying black drug dealers and pimps for their secret scary ways, and if you're black then you should be smiling like Obama as you ride that social programming to the top. At the end of the day everyone will know that you're black anyways, so you always have that to fall back on.

So then (as a white guy) after you have learned how to be ready to go apeshit, then you no longer need to be ready anymore. Then you just need to be willing to. Then these weirdo freaks who are face mugging people all day will pick up on it, and they'll somehow just subconsciously fuck off. If that doesn't work then you can pretend to be a masculine top gay until until they're intimidated by your sexual presence.

If someone is a prick then I'll be as gay as I have to be, or as crazy nigger as I have to be in order to put them back into their space. That isn't something that I did more than a few times out there, but it's an example of how you can dominate an aggressive guy into fucking off through the power of total psychological warfare.

Just as it's said that you shouldn't be trying to change the system until you can #BiteTheFace, you also shouldn't be trying to #BiteTheFace until you can fake gay someone. At the very least you should be capable of both, and any other wild shit that comes to mind.

You can be as crazy as your social and economic standing allows you to be. It can be dangerous to #BiteTheFace on Friday, only to have to tuck your dick back up behind your ass so that you can become that Monday morning meeting corpo pussy again. The psychological transformation that I'm teaching just isn't compatible with "having a job".

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1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

I'm starting to think that maybe #BiteTheFace isn't an aspirational sociopolitical movement, but is rather just derangement from working too much. Nah.

1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@SSeuSS On a related note, I've long been fascinated with the dynamic with Charlie Manson. He was found guilty of murder even though nobody says that Manson told them to do it. They believed that he wanted them to.

Manson's version is perhaps very relatable. People were talking about murder, and he said he didn't want to be a part of that. They tried convincing him of it, and he said "Do what you feel that you need to do, if you have to do it".

I find it relatable in the sense that maybe someone is telling me that they're going to throw a styrofoam cup onto the grass. I might say, there is a garbage right over there. The person then throws it on the grass. At that point I could be a real good boy liberal to go on a pro-environmentalism crusade against trash. Or I could just shrug it off.

Taking it up a notch, let's use racism. It's the holy crusade of liberals to be anti-racist. In fact, it's so core to their definition that the moment that you choose to allow a racist to exist unmolested by not being an anti-racist then you immediately cease to be a liberal.

So if you were living a fairly care free street life like Manson was then there are just people coming and going all of the time. Multiple times a day people are offering for you to go to some other city, or town, or to do some petty crime, or to party, or whatever. You'd basically survive by being indifferent to the activities going on around you that didn'tinterest you - just like it is in jail where he came from.

So then someone says "Do you want to go kill these people?" and you say "nah". Then later someone asks you to cook marshmallows and maybe you say "Cool". So you're free doing the stuff that you want to do, and not doing the stuff that you don't want to do.

But the way that society works is that when you have an edgy Nazi tattoo on your forehead and are willing to say weirdo things like #BiteTheFace then you make for a good candidate for society to use as a rag to wipe away its sins and excesses.

By being punished in such a way you end up serving an overly normative system that you thought that you had broken away from. Similarly the system has a use for a certain amount of cuckservatives that they're going to grind up on public display. They'll bomb your country town out with forever chemicals, or allow you to rot in prison for taking a police guided tour during an "insurgency".

Regardless of whether you're a creepy little dude named Manson, or a 6'1" captain of the football team who took over his father's corn acreage, the system has a plan for you. It has a purpose. You need to flip that script.

When I was getting out of the army during boot camp (after making the worst decision of my life) they used me as an example to the other guys who also realized that they had seriously fucked up, but didn't have the courage to become failures. They kicked me around for over a month until I flipped the script. I ran away and hid for 22 hours so that I was TUF (technically unaccounted for) but not AWOL (absent with authorized leave). This meant that it was not a criminal offense, but it also seriously fucks up their daily numbers that trickle all of the way to the top. At that point I was no longer useful to them, and so I was out of there a few days later.

Through that experience I learned that the system always has a use for you, even when you're rebelling. If you're doing that without hardly thinking, then you're being used for a calculated strategy that anticipates you.

Meanwhile as you're being used for your success or failure, there is some homeless guy who is able to just walk up to women to seemingly hypnotize them into having sex in front of their own mother. Polite society cannot even begin to comprehend that.

So what is my purpose? I'm here to demonstrate to you the edge of acceptable thought that is allowed. By being clever I'm able to run the longest lasting Neo-Nazi group here that takes cover as a JQuery upgrade discussion. The faggot admins are incapable of stopping me due to their excessive liberalism.

What is my true role? It's almost undefinable. I'm a Legend.

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1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@steel #BiteTheFace means that you shouldn't even attempt to consider changing things until you can imagine, or to be willing to (under the right circumstances) bite someone's face off. Perhaps in another era that could have just been to smack them on the head with your club or battle axe. These days it's difficult to carry these sorts of weapons around, and so we just use our teeth.

What kind of negotiation power do the normal men in society have when the people in power abusing them know without a doubt that all of those pussies will never #BiteTheFace no matter what is done to them?

Why is it considered normal to have a revolution shooting someone, and at the same time not even be willing to bite that same person's face off like it was an edgy The Walking Dead scene?

1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Intrepid_Place53900 Energy will be expensive even if it takes ideology, religion, policy, finance and terrorism to achieve.

Meanwhile I'm in illegal invalid Transnistria which charges its citizens $0.04/kwh via cheap Russian gas that nobody seems to want / be allowed to have. It's even cheaper if you have special agreements as my friend does.

At a certain point one has to wonder how much that seat a the UN is worth. At a certain point when normal is so gay then people have been known to consider #BiteTheFace as one does. Rarr.

1y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@redpillschool Another thing is that dudes are assholes. Andrew Tate didn't recognize TRP in any way other than to say that it's irrelevant to him. Then two of the very top Manosphere/TRP guys; GLO and Rollo Tomassi have refused to say anything positive about Tate. I see it as mostly a calculated move to buy themselves a bit of breathing room of informally acquired appeasement around the prostitution / cam girl issue. Tate never +1ed TRP or Manosphere but instead tried to funnel everything through his pay portal. Likewise GLO does the same. Rollo likes having access to TV while being a not so pussy Jordan Peterson.

It's almost as though I'm the only person who can be trusted when i tell you to #BiteTheFace, and even that is a little suspect.

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