4y ago  The Dark Winter

@Bilskee Re: the watermarks... I will believe it when I see it.

IMO if this was real they would have already hit them with the "GOTCHA!"

4y ago  The Hub

@Bilskee Be friendly in the Public Square.

4y ago  The Hub

@Osiris "oh yeah debunk this" lol

2 2
4y ago  The Dark Winter

@Bilskee The Zerohedge link is good. Very curious.

4y ago  The Hub

@Osiris you have admitted numerous times you don't lift and are a UK resident. So the non lifting foreigner weighing in his empty opinion is really an attempt to just be a debonker. Everything you type is the absence of critical thinking.

1 1
4y ago  The Hub

@Osiris dis u 1000%

1 1
4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool its not like a state with a governor who LITERALLY potions the water of his residents and has a trans-fucking gender lead for the dept of health would support such wrong doing. No way! Thats conspiracy.

4y ago  The Dark Winter

@redpillschool mobile.twitter.com/trumperwavin/status/1324530189284581378

Now the watercolor part i dont buy. But the guy mentions a piece from the art of war about withdrawing and allowing the enemy to make lots of mistakes. Thats a tactic of trumps team i do buy. Trump is letting sleepy Joe play all his cards before his final play. I mean it was the whole play of that laptop. They waited how long ?

Zh covered a great angle if you havent seen it yet.


Maybe trumps play is more along these lines.

3 4
4y ago  The Hub

@Ill_Will7 try putting the work in by lifting weights, eating nutrient rich foods and sleep 8-9 hours. TRP BASICS.

If all you think about is how your fucked up, thats all you'll ever be.

6 + 2
4y ago  The Hub

@carnold03 you read that and didn't laugh ? Your God has humor why don't you.

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