1y ago  5th Generation War

@DeathSaint I know that statistically you probably don't want me living in your country. I'm too autistic to feel normal danger though, so that might have something to do with it.

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1y ago  5th Generation War

@destraht ever considered you might be the harbinger of doom? Some sort of reverse Eliyah from the bible?

1y ago  The Dark Winter

@Antelope basically these newer gen techs are becoming increasingly harder to use at their full potential, by modifying some of their base functions. Apple notoriously hates anyone that wants to do more than mindlessly use social media. Even as a non-tech person i have despised them for years.

2y ago  5th Generation War

@Antelope The glory of the 21st century...

2y ago  The Hub
2y ago  The Dark Winter

Google is acquiring Mandiant, a cybersecurity firm for 5.4 billion parallel to lobbying for added cybersecurity. Congress is set to pass a defense bill for Ukraine, including this cyber-security. Definitely not linked.

2y ago  5th Generation War

@destraht I heard about this and immediately thought it was bullshit. There is a reason Russia is doing it's thing-because they have nuclear bombs and Serbia is nowhere comparable.

But then it got me thinking and honestly,the US might do their signature thing of throwing the first stone and hiding the hand. If they want to rile the Balkans further this is definitely the best avenue.

I'm still thinking nothing will happen, but the world is going to shit anyways so I wouldn't be that surprised.

2y ago  The Hub

@Jocbro bro you have been here long enough to know what feels good for you is always the best. Just do what the fuck you want. If you think spending more time with her will make you happier than the current rotation, just go for it. If it doesn't work out you still have your experiences and can start anew. Try new shit and see what works out,just keep in mind you are doing this because YOU want to and can quit anytime if it isn't suitable. That should be fine

2y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@DeathSaint You might be wondering why I'm being so sneaky with these neighbors? Well they extorted me for $20 in the middle of a project where I needed access to the other side of their property. Just straight up extortion. Then I lost about $50 paying workers to do nothing.

So that is why it's war in a sense, instead of just straight up normal talking.

2y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@DeathSaint Otherwise known as "Woah!!! How did these stones get here?!"

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