1w ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv Ah ok, will give it a read! Thanks!

1w ago  The Hub

@Goingthedistance HumanSockPuppet

He features prominently on the sidebar

1w ago  The Hub


I read the Rational Male, the Player's Handbook came to mind first. Right now I'm going through Pook's book and Rossy posts.

HSP? I can't seem to find it or i'm blind.

1w ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv Why are you drinking? I thought we were not doing that anymore!

1w ago  The Hub

@RedBarbell Needed to read this, thanks!

As a guy that was never really the A-hole in social settings, I needed to change my mindset a bit to escape the niceguy™ label. Basically what I've been doing is being aloof and be kind but not a pushover, I also do not let people into my personal life or give them too many details at first, girls especially must know nothing!

2w ago  The Hub

Fuck, forgot to tag you @Goingthedistance

2w ago  The Hub

@Goingthedistance reminder to myself to reply when sober

2w ago  The Hub


Well to be fair, sometimes I think to myself "there's no way this can go any lower" and lo and behold it goes much lower.

Any and all.

Books: 48 Laws of Power BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO DAYGAME TOM TORERO The Tactical Guide to Women - Shawn Smith Rational Male The Players Handbook Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends & Influence People No More Mr. Nice Guy 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos

And I'm forgetting something for sure.


Most of Uncle Vasya's

2w ago  The Hub


OK, answer this straight: how much sidebar and Red Pill reading have you actually done?

You mean the chapters of the Side bar PDF or the recommended books?

Any and all.

You seemed way too astonished at the frivolous bullshit reasons women will supposedly reject a man for.

2w ago  The Hub


OK, answer this straight: how much sidebar and Red Pill reading have you actually done?

You mean the chapters of the Side bar PDF or the recommended books?

They reject for the most frivolous, silly reasons.

Oh that I do know, I was part of it. And I know that gold diggers go for expensive cars, but usually it's the trifecta of "luxury" BMW, Merc, Audi. I never really saw the price rejection based on the price of the car. Mind you, I did see and have happen to me that the age of the car reflected your financial status in some girl's eyes, but it was never really that direct.

That's why you don't bother trying to "reason" your way into her pants (aka qualifying); you just move on.

I treat this as "if it's not a ecstatic Yes, then it's a no more than likely".

That's also one of the many reasons why you don't go to women for advice on dealing with women.

I made that mistake one too many times.

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