2y ago  The Hub

Another ban on reddit for hate speech. The trans cult does not like you pointing out when they're behaving like paedophiles.

1 1
2y ago  The Hub


They are no different form the Christians who kept clamouring about the end of the world (eg 2012)

2y ago  The Hub

Climate change really is a cult...

1 3
2y ago  The Hub

@Apollo You very quickly realise that your time is far too limited to waste it on nonsense. It's why I have a very low threshold for unintelligent analysis that requires insults or ad-hominem being included. They're slightly less direct in the insults when the mainstream does it, they use words to imply you're fascist e.g. "far right position/conspiracy theory" or the usual bingo card -isms, racism, sexism, etc.

2y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool probably the first step in pushing us on to artificially created meat products... which, because they're created, will be missing important micronutrients like most of the over-processed crap on the market these days. It's not just the woke who are the enemy destroying society, it's the capitalists with the "profit at any cost" style of thinking who cause huge damage in the long term too.

2y ago  The Hub

@Aging-Chad Yes. I don't understand women. You crack on there with your false analogies. Everything is simple, nothing is multifactoral, it's just a giant decision tree aimed at pre-selection, that also happens to come back to one question which in no way includes the likely impact of female intra-sexual hierarchy (which would fairly obviously come into play with a question like that.)

2y ago  The Hub

@Aging-Chad No, I misread you, so my reply was irrelevant. So I deleted the irrelevant reply since it contributes nothing of value to the discussion. You think it's manly to keep irrelevant crap around?

2y ago  The Hub

@Aging-Chad So in other words the preselection didn't rule it... it was secondary to the status which had cause on it. Interesting way of saying "you're right Nightwing"

2y ago  The Hub

@Aging-Chad Nah, status trumps pre-selection. (It trumps all) When Mick Jagger shows up it doesn't matter how many women you had around you first, he's taking any one of them home that he likes.

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