@GayLubeOil Okay, so you wish to fight the culture war.
My question is what separates GLOgang from literally any other group who wishes to fight in this culture war? What separates this from say Con. Inc eg Shapiro and Kirk.
How does anyone know which flavour to trust, and which is just another blue pill?
@Chaddeus_Rex if you think that's bad...leftism has infected science as well. People who publish science that goes against the status quo get vilified (eg racial iq). Watson (the father of discovering DNA) got stripped of his honours for these remarks, and people with ZERO clue about DNA attacked him for his remarks. Who do you think knows more about DNA; James Watson or some college grad who maybe took one class in biology.
Same thing WHO; for decades, gender dysphoria was classified as mental illness, but now since the trans agenda is in, it got removed.
You know what got added to their list of mental illnesses?
Being addicted to video games.
Using their logic, all men once had mental illness since there was a point when we were all in love with video games.
Different is a point of view. To normies, Con inc is different.
Anything that isn't the the main culture is different.
Different isn't better though, better is better.
So what makes glogang better than any other group who wants to fight the culture war and move the Overton window?
4y ago The Hub
The shortest answer is that we don't outsource our thinking.
The slightly longer answer is the reason for the previous statement is both originated and litigated by original thought that doesn't come from an absolutist thought process, ie you're going to get capitalist Marxist fascist far right far left any label you might conceive is present in this community and all those viewpoints, if backed by an adequate mental framework, are not merely permitted but vetted prior to Thus Spaking.
@GayLubeOil is glogang Natbol or just anti open society? Your link states that the only way to be anti open society, is to be Natbol as marxism and fascism doctrines are both "absolutely not effective".
I know that one of those doctrines is absolutely not effective, the other one I'm not so sure.