1mo ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed The government controls those platforms. Operatives of government agencies work at those platforms. They don't control tik tok and don't want any platform spreading messages they can't control. The tik tok ban bill would also let the government shut down twitter.

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1mo ago  The Hub

@Lionsmane8 It's neither concern about China nor Jewish groups that are behind it. Whenever Congress quickly comes together to enact legislation, you can bet there's something going on beneath the surface that will ultimately be harmful to the people, and that's true here. The bill banning tiktok is a means for more government censorship and control, like the Patriot Act. It allows the regime to shut down/censor websites, apps, and speech it doesn't like based on "national security" or "election integrity" considerations, which can mean any messages the uniparty doesn't want people to hear. It violates the First Amendment, but courts don't always do their job in that area anymore. In any event, it's doubtful it will pass the Senate.

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1mo ago  Bodybuilding

breakingmuscle.com/strongman-profile-bob-peoples-schools-us-on-the-deadlift/. Here's an outstanding deadlifter most have never heard of. Bob Peoples, Tennessee farmer, born in 1910. At 40, he deadlifted 725 at 181 bodyweight, which stood as a world record for quite some time. Trained alone, and used an odd technique that likely wouldn't be effective for many people. It'd be interesting to see what he could have done had he trained in an environment with other top lifters to push him.

Strongman Profile: Bob Peoples Schools Us on the Deadlift - Breaking Muscle
Bob Peoples deadlifted 725lbs at 181lbs bodyweight and at the age of forty. This was back in the 1949, on his farm, with limited training equipment, and before the deadlift became popular. Although people have pulled more than him today, he is certainly one of the greatest of all time. The interesting thing about Peoples is that his... | Breaking Muscle
1mo ago  The Dark Winter

@MentORPHEUS The aid won't go to people who are starving to death. I have a bridge for sale to anyone who believes that. It will go to Hamas fighters.

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1mo ago  5th Generation War

@lurkerhasarisen -The raids concentrated on suspects who had set their sights on well-known women like female politicians-

In other words, don't dare criticize the regime or you'll be jailed.

I read somewhere that 60+% of women in the U.S. support criminal penalties for speech that hurts someone's feelings (so-called hate speech). That's catnip to the ruling class. A significant majority of the largest group of voters supports all of the censorship going on, so of course that censorship will continue. That's one reason I'm skeptical elections will change anything. When you look at voting demographics, it isn't a pretty picture.

1mo ago  The Hub

@Vermillion-Rx Women can vote, unfortunately.

1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly

@MentORPHEUS Her husband sure is a lucky man. And that voice-reminds me of a long ago ex (though it isn't her).

1mo ago  Red Pill Party Jokes

@Typo-MAGAshiv m.youtube.com/watch?v=rlHO3OUnz2A&t=366s&pp=ygUhYXQgaG9tZSB3aXRoIGRyLiBkLiBkYXZpZCBzY2h1bHR6. The men on MRP might find this useful on how to keep their wives in line. Some great parenting shown too.

This was probably a bit before you started watching wrestling. The people playing Dr. D's wife and kids are trying hard to suppress laughs. When it aired, Nashville family protective services got a bunch of domestic/child abuse calls.

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2mo ago  5th Generation War

@MentORPHEUS Arguing about who is entitled to be there is pointless. Israel isn't going anywhere, and before that the area was British. Repeatedly starting wars with the country with the strongest military in the middle east isn't going to lead to a good outcome and will likely lead to loss of land, which it has--losing wars typically means losing land, which is why it is stupid to start wars you can't finish unless you don't mind losing land. And it is irresponsible to encourage the dimwitted people who live in Gaza to continue trying to start wars and engage in terrorism in the hope that Israel will go away. It won't, but the average person there doesn't have the reasoning ability to understand that. Their leadership is exploiting them. Hamas started a war because its leaders thought it would benefit them, and people get killed in wars. I note no one is encouraging Hamas to surrender and avoid further casualties. Anyone truly concerned about the loss of human life would be doing that since there is zero chance Hamas is going to win and take over Israel. No, there's no concern about the loss of life, just a delusional belief that continuing this sort of thing will make Israel go away. Going back to the way things were in Gaza won't happen.

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2mo ago  5th Generation War


What is not going to happen is Gaza going back to the way it was

You're right about that point. Instead of retail stealing of Palestinian land through "settlements," the Israelis are currently stealing all of Gaza wholesale. There are already real estate developers releasing resort plans, Israeli settlers staking claims, highways that Palestinians can't use or cross in the works, and development of the massive gas fields that have been discovered extending under Palestinian territory. Same thing the globalists are doing in Hawaii since before the ashes even cooled

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