1w ago  The Hub

@Goingthedistance yeah, that was just an example not meant to be taken literally

1w ago  The Hub
Trillionaire Mod


Your points are valid except that Instagram isn't a dating app. It just isn't. You can't make that stretch just because people get dates off it.

You wouldn't put a trash can lid or a shield in the outdoor sports section of a store just because you could sled or snowboard on it

1w ago  The Hub

@Victor I hear you.

The central issue is the same: posting shit on the internet and then waiting for women to engage with it is the problem. Because it involves men becoming the 'decorative of the species'.

The entire problem with OLD or online interaction for the mating game is the men must resort to becoming women. They post their plumage, and then the women select who they want to pursue. this is an inversion of what should be happening. It leads to the men being unhappy, but the women are unhappy as well.

It's not OLD vs Insta Vs some other platform - the entire concept of passive males posting their plumage on digital avenues for women to hunt is all fucked up.

If you dive into that as a male, you end up thinking and acting like a female. I can see it on this forum - guys asking dumb questions like 'What kind of activity do I need to be doing so that chicks see it and want me?' Should I stand next to a lambo? What do you think of tight white jeans? Gay or nay?

They have started acting like women. They think that they need to go do some skydiving, or scuba, take some selfies, post it to socials, and then sit back and wait for female approval.

Do you not see what has happened here? The male has become the female. Guys going online and posting shirtless pics while wearing shades....the gayest shit ever. The guys end up looking like fags on the game.

We all want some poon. But as men, we need to draw the line somewhere. Self respect is important. once it's gone, it may never come back.

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1w ago  The Hub


I don't think OLD has died. Parts of it has died, but other aspects of OLD has just evolved/adapted.

What do you consider is OLD? Is it strictly dating apps like tinder and bumble?

In that case, what about Instagram? It's popular as ever and works wonders to achieve the same results as OLD.

Verm could post his dance moves on his IG page, boom instant social proof.

I was on Tinder pre-21 and had minimal success. A couple matches, met 0 of them. Except for this uggo my friend swiped right on.

Instagram let's me build a pool of options. It's a way fo keep many potential dates in orbit.

And it works. For pictures just use the ones from your tinder. Then I recommend posting videos of you doing cool shit.

There are millions of tuts in how to build an Instagram page so I won't go into it.

But yeah, OLD is well and alive if you consider Instagram.

Weird how it's just Instagram, I can't think of any other app.

Facebook is dead. But it's alive in the sense everyone uses it for groups, market place etc.

Tik tok is getting banned and was a nope anyway

Instagram is lowkey the best OLD app ever created

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1w ago  The Hub

@Goingthedistance yes.

As materialistic and superficial followers are in the grand scheme of things, it works. Trp is about what works and doesn't. And instagram is another tool.

Most people here won't use this method since they are old school. But I share it anyway for the young lurkers.

But say your social media blows up if you run a Contents page - meaning you yourself don't appear on it, eg. You run a successful meme page. In that case your follower to like ratio matters a lot. For a meme page, you typically expect a good views to comment ratio.

A lot of meme pages have fake followers and its so obvious to anyone with half a brain cell.

Say you have 10,000 followers, but your posts get 20 likes, that's a really bad look.

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1w ago  The Hub

Hey nerds,

Most of my previous posts about pulling had a positive outcome. Free thinkers however, benefit more from learning off other's mistakes. But ultimately it's the humongous dick having sigma-chad males who adopt a solid mindset that gets the worm.

Instead of listing out my countless mistakes, I've written a summary of what all these mistakes lead up to. My ultimate truth (mindset).

The thing about mistakes is, if you aren't perfect, you're gonna have to make them. Mistakes reveal you to yourself. Mistakes are like teachers. But too many people just don't bloody listen, the same way they don't see their own folly. They don't know that they don't know and that is a fucking tragedy.

Foundation The most important thing I learned to develop from my mistakes while getting pussy was mindset.

Mindset is a power that knows no limit. Think David Goggins, Alex Honalds. You can't fuck the smelly obese pansexual pink hair girl? No, actually you can! Why place limits on yourself? Just believe.

Second to mind-set would be one's ability to be in the moment.

Followed by emotional mastery. You know the deal.

EQ is another skill that can be improved infinitely. Having solid EQ is necessary to glue everything together. The higher your EQ, the more solid it holds the foundation together. Actually, EQ is an underrated topic in the manosphere. All my success grtting laid has been found mostly in improving EQ trait.

Every other skill such as charm, wit, humor yadda yadda follows naturally once a solid foundation develops.

The mindset that's really worked for me is striving for genuine connection over sex.

Where there js genuine connection, there's an abundance of pussy and may it ease your erection.

This is akin to

Chase money and the girls chase you. Money can be replaced with purpose.

Work on yourself, and the girls will follow.

If you chase butterflies, they'll fly away from you. Instead, work on building your garden which attracts the butterflies.

Fun challenge (also kinda productive, depends on the person though) to improve your EQ within a year.

Get to 1000 followers on instagram in 1 year. Any follower you haven't personally met does not count. You only gotta get 20ish followers a week. It gets easier the more you do it. Script You:hey your styles rad, where'd you get that jacket from? (Fashion topic ties to instagram) Girl/guy/your grandma: it's from xyz You:oh cool, talk some shit, you on insta? I'll follow you. Takes 3-5 minutes. It's much faster in the mosh pit. You won't need a script. Just do some sign language and hand your phone to them with instagram open. They'll get the idea.

Once I got 7 followers in like 3 minutes cause my phone got passed around a group and they all put their instagrams in it.

Now, you could just imagine the wonders this little challenge could do for your preselection.

Instagram has no age limit either. Every genz person has it installed, and older people who use instagram are considered quite hip.

I've gained 150 followers the last 2 weeks from going out 5 nights. Each night I get 20-40 follows from just talking to people.

Assuming this trend continues, thats 300 followers per month.

Instagram does wonders for your pre-selection. This is because profiles display mutual followers.


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2w ago  Red Pill Party Jokes

So just the other day, @Victor arrived home late from school all excited. His dad met him at the mailbox.

hey dad! guess what! Today, I had sex with my English teacher after school!

His dad was shocked, as @Victor had seemed not that interested in girls or dating. Maybe a it took a cougar taking the lead to bring it out of him!

wow, son, that's awesome! You have some really hot teachers at your school, and I can't wait to see how hot this one is.

so tell me, are you going to do it again tomorrow?

To which @Victor replied:

nah dad, I want to give my ass a few days to heal back up.

1 5 + 1
2w ago  Red Pill Party Jokes

So just the other day, @Victor arrived home late from school all excited. His dad met him at the mailbox.

hey dad! guess what! Today, I had sex with my English teacher after school!

His dad was shocked, as @Victor had seemed not that interested in girls or dating. Maybe a it took a cougar taking the lead to bring it out of him!

wow, son, that's awesome! You have some really hot teachers at your school, and I can't wait to see how hot this one is.

so tell me, are you going to do it again tomorrow?

To which @Victor replied:

nah dad, I want to give my ass a few days to heal back up.

1 5 + 1
2w ago  Red Pill Party Jokes

So just the other day, @Victor arrived home late from school all excited. His dad met him at the mailbox.

hey dad! guess what! Today, I had sex with my English teacher after school!

His dad was shocked, as @Victor had seemed not that interested in girls or dating. Maybe a it took a cougar taking the lead to bring it out of him!

wow, son, that's awesome! You have some really hot teachers at your school, and I can't wait to see how hot this one is.

so tell me, are you going to do it again tomorrow?

To which @Victor replied:

nah dad, I want to give my ass a few days to heal back up.

1 5 + 1
2w ago  The Hub

@oowiw good shit, but if you want the guy to whom you're replying to see it, then don't remove his tag

Tag @Victor

have some vcards!

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