1y ago  The Hub

Girls look like thirsty guys when you stop giving them attention.

This lil asian chick that sits next to me was being kinda boring so I ignored her and focused on my shit and she looks at me, grunts, and storms out of class.

Men : 1 Women: 0

1y ago  The Hub

@Whisper What is book 1? Shit I'd probably read it

1y ago  The Hub

@Desaint I WILL fuck you

1y ago  The Hub

Also one girl told me today, been talking to her for a bit, “we’re not close enough to trauma bond yet.”

I read somewhere that if a girl brings up something sexual without you mentioning anything sexual, she’s thinking about having sex with you. This is accurate then?

1y ago  The Hub

Is a lack of shit tests a good thing if the girl has already shit tested and you have passed them all?

A shit test, from my understanding is a test of your frame. Is this retarded sentence going to trip this guy up? No? Okay he's alpha.

My coworker is into me, stares at me all the damn time. Full disclosure I'm not interested but I'm just curious at this point. She used to shit test me with things like "you have friends?" and now it has stopped.

I thought they never stopped. What do

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1y ago  The Hub

Also how you say it @RedPirate751

1y ago  The Hub

@worldsmartestretard Maybe start with not naming yourself worldsmartestretard

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1y ago  The Hub

@TwoInchesOfShaft > Not a single one where the reverse is true

Except America. God bless simps

1y ago  The Hub

@Desaint That’s fawking gay

1y ago  The Hub

Also, I noticed that if I’m not asking the girl about herself or something that has to do with her she won’t give a flying fuk about me.

This is common among most girls I have talked to. Isn’t about her? She doesn’t really care

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