2mo ago  TheRedPill

Did I blow this up?

A bit context:

This girl is my neighbour and we hanged out in her place and mine couple times.

Today, we had what I'd consider a date, ended up in her place, and we started talking about different stuff.

As we're talking, she started telling me about how she met a guy she really liked at a party but her best friend cockblocked her and she said that she wouldn't have kissed him or did anything crazy because she doesn't even know him and she only kisses someone she'd consider as boyfriend.

I told her, "Haha okay I'll take that as a sign then" and I don't know how we transitioned into talking about being friends and being attracted to each other.

The point she was trying to make is that she doesn't know me well enough to do anything that would look somewhat intimate, and that we're only friends, but then she mentioned that she's not leading me on and it'll take some time for her to build emotion.

I don't know about y'all and how you'd perceive this, but to me that sounds like a complete fucking waste of time. So she's vetting me to see if I meet her list of criteria (she actually has one) and I can go fuck myself and how I feel and think I guess?

I told her that basically I don't need anymore female friends, and being friends can either mean because you're attracted to someone and want to explore them further, or you just wanna keep them as friends, which for me doesn't work, so the main question is: are we attracted to each other? And in all honesty, I'm attracted to her but I also realise it's early to take any decisions based on that.

She said this, "I'm attracted to you, but to a certain degree, but I promise you I don't want to make decisions or judgements yet until I've known you a bit more".

I told her then I still stand by my opinion, and I really don't need anymore friends and wish you a lovely day.

She looked a bit shocked and bid me farewell as well.

I don't know, did I blow this up? I just felt like I don't really wanna waste time into helping her figuring out wtf is going on. Honestly it's either you're in or you're out, and all the signals she was giving was just keeping me as nice guy bestie.

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