1d ago  The Dark Winter


As best I can tell:

  1. Large fires have happened naturally since the beginning of time. Many forms of plant life have come to depend on fires to open seed pods. They are naturally occurring.

  2. Climate change activists have been caught, tried and convicted of setting fires numerous times (here and in Canada) over the past decade. Apparently, their goal is to show that climate change is happening by setting the fires. I once saw a satellite image of fires that stopped along the US/Canadian border and someone commented how weird it was that fires respect international boundaries.

  3. Several people have been caught setting the current fires - one was arrested by a group of citizens. This person appeared to be a "swarthy" man, and the speculation was that he was setting fires so that his gang could loot at will amidst the chaos.

  4. The woman in charge of something or other ( LA Mayor?), requested a $75 million cut in funding for firefighters last year, which left the area vulnerable to such catastrophes.

  5. There was some mismanagement of upstate reservoirs, which Gov. Newsome denied and got caught lying about. This was in the news yesterday.

  6. Some claim that some firefighters were pissed about the cuts, and set the fires to show how much they are needed - but this one is just speculation. I have heard no actual data on this.

  7. Very odd fires have been plaguing high end real estate areas for some time. Maui was another. How many of these are required to raise eyebrows? Again, this is speculation. But patterns matter.

  8. CA has been dealing with fires like this for a long time. They have had a pretty impressing land/forest management system in place for decades. This is true of the entire PNW up through Canada. Removing dead trees, underbrush, back burning troublesome areas, etc. Those practices seem to have stopped in recent years and no one wants to own up to it.

  9. The LEAST plausible cause is climate change alone. That is a ludicrous thing to say, but say it they will. Just as there are countless gun-control articles just waiting to be published when the next school shooting comes along, so too are the climate change hustlers ready with propaganda at every such event.


No matter what anyone says, these things look nefarious to all but the most naïve people. Whether they were deliberately set (and some were) this could all have been avoided for reasons mentioned above. Someone WANTED this.

I bet anyone here $20 that someone will try to pin this on Trump.

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2d ago  The Dark Winter


Have some more cards fag.

lmao. This is fun. Now I see why @Typo-MAGAshiv does it so much.

2d ago  The Dark Winter


Re @MentORPHEUS reply...

A man can grasp your concepts, understand, and process them fully - AND bust your balls for being ironic.

You seem to be a decent person, and a bit literal. he was just teasing.

I can hardly get through half a response without being called a dinner roll, an FDS Dinner Donor, or "ghey".

That's why I love this place.


Here are some vCards for being a virgin.

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2d ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed it wasn't AH-NULD?!

2d ago  The Hub


An old man once told me this…

If you don’t do the basic advice, how can you expect to know what to do with advanced advice ?

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5d ago  The Hub


Maybe we should convert the sidebar into a series of ikea manuals.

5d ago  The Hub


I skimmed this long diatribe of yous until I got to this…

I told her to delete

You lost right there.

Never tell a woman what to do. Set boundaries and then observe.


Read the fucking sidebar!

God damn it. How many times must this be said?

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1w ago  The Hub


Read any of the early stuff from roissy or roosh

I'd been unplugged for years before I even knew what reddit was, let alone a sidebar.

Roosh was my gateway. I looked him back up when my marriage was rocky. His PUA work had helped young-AFC-me back around 1999-2002. From there I found Roissy/Heartiste, Dalrock, Rollo, Athol Kay, Bonekrckr, Pook, and others I'm forgetting.

Reading some of their stuff was like seeing someone finally put words to certain things I knew but couldn't explain. Especially Roissy/Heartiste and Dalrock.

I still read all the sidebars at TRP, MRP, MGTOW, and WAATGM once I got on reddit.

I think a lot of askTRPers would do better to read more, try shit, and get into an OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act). Accept that not everything will be perfect, that some mistakes are inevitable, and that you can't possibly account for all variables for all decisions at all times. RL isn't a math problem or a laboratory.

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2 1,000 fcks
1w ago  The Hub
1w ago  The Hub


You must have really outdone yourself on the fat roll ride to find a two ton Tina with Spanx that zip up. Everyone knows that they roll on and roll off like a condom stretched across a SpaceX rocket

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