7mo ago  The Hub

I like my women like I like my iced lemon tea: cold, sour, and bitter...

7mo ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS Rollo was just saying how being the only sober person at a night club is like having super powers...

7mo ago  The Hub

@carnold03 What's really going to blow your mind is when you have a family and realize it's 100% communism as you share bathrooms, kitchens, yards, etc.

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7mo ago  Conspiracy


Heads Up: The thought police are sweeping the manosphere

Rollo has been warning about this for a while now and it's connected to the election cycle. Most of us left reddit, facebook, and other platforms after getting rando-banned and falsely reported. So that left a bunch of social justice warrior armchair activists with nothing to do. So they got bored and started following us around.

The latest incarnation has been to take down youtube channels, get people demonetized, and go after viewers in the comments sections. Some content creators are going to alternative platforms like locals, patreon, and rumble. I'm one of those viewers that was recently falsely reported for harassment/cyberbullying. I wasn't told what the comment was, who reported me, there's no appealing the decision, and my channel could be taken down. I promptly deleted all my comments and will never comment again. Any of you could be next. It's not just the big guys anymore, they're going after everyone.

Are you prepared? I can guarantee they will come brigade this forum at some point after they've scared everyone off every other platform.

Edit: For those who don't see the connection between youtube/media and the elections it has to do with the fact that the lions share of ad revenue comes from political parties.

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7mo ago  TheRedPill

@Nextlevellesbian I was referring to the "you're such an asshole" grating scream

7mo ago  TheRedPill
1 2 270 fcks
8mo ago  The Hub

@Land_of_the_losers That wine was actually from your wife's boyfriend :)

8mo ago  The Hub

@Land_of_the_Losers just got a glowing review from Cappy. Damn. That never happens. www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3sdyw-mlza

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8mo ago  The Hub

@Jumping4Jack Yeah but they are female to male trans and all they wanna do is start some shit by flexing on you to look cool in front of their hoe.

9mo ago  The Hub
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