1y ago  The Hub

Important RP question.

Which would you rather fuck? Conventional mermaid or reverse mermaid.

Please state your opinions and the reasoning behind them. This is important for science.

1y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv That's a good idea. Things do seem to be nearing the end point of the cycle. Best thing you can do is be as prepared as possible.

1y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine True, both are very important. Otherwise we might as well be chimps. Capacity to do violence matters though, too many people discount it these days because life is so soft right now, but it's very important. The final argument is steel.

1y ago  The Hub

@goodmansaysfuckyou @lukerhasarisen Right, exactly what I was getting at. I think it will be a positive development in the long term though if it happens.

Hard times create strong men and such. And fuck man, western society is in dire need of strong men rn. Shit is absolutely fucked socially. Men have become far too weak. Sperm counts and test levels have been dropping like a stone over the last few decades. We can actually measure how big of a pussy society is with science these days. Isn't that neat? XD

1y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine Right, Bretton Woods was what the precursor to the current system was called, laid the economic foundations for the USA's current economic super power status, lots of loans and etc to rebuild the world after WWII, very profitable time for the USA, propelled us to global hegemon status for a good long time. It's since morphed into a few other things I cant remember the names of right now.. but the point is that international trade and most importantly oil, is conducted through the medium of the USD and because of that is widely used as a reserve currency and etc by most of the world. But if that arrangement changes, the USA is suddenly going to be a lot poorer and weaker. And cracks are starting to show if you follow global affairs.

1y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine Not because they want to, but because they will have to. Or at least, they will keep trying, but their effort will bear less and less fruit as time goes by is what I think. It would take an essay to explain fully but do look up bretton woods. If they fuck the dollar, which they seem to be not caring about doing. They fuck up the whole system.. and that's when hard times come and history happens.

1y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine That is actually exactly what I'm saying dude. To me, it seems to be getting near the point where those chickens are starting to come home to roost.

1y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine Because they already played that card to it's max dude. The printing money shit, inflation. If you create more units of trading and counting value without creating more, actual real world value... well.. think about it. That is inflation in a nutshell, and it's why the prices of everything is going up.. this is especially bad because it has a snowball effect. One company raises prices, other follow, workers demand higher wages, etc. etc. etc.

1y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine I have definitely seen a lot more homeless people around lately... I think we are finally hitting the end of this money printing bubble, they seem to be at the end of their abilities to put any more glue and tape on the dam at this point.. dark times might be ahead gents.

1y ago  The Hub

@elizabethscoffin Fuck simps man. Girls have no interest in them. That is not the way to go, simps get nothing. You gotta get attractive man, that's what works in 2022. Girls have more moeny than we do now, so it's all messud up but, if you can get your aesthetics on point man, world is your oyster. No lie. I think ne of he problems a lot of guys have these days is they put females ona pedastal. Fuck no tho, bitches love sex as much as we do man, tha's a fact. So you gotta operate under that presumption ya kniow?

Anyway, lift. If there's anything 95% of girls want it's a guy who look like he can pound the shit outta them so make yorself ino that guy ya know?

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