2y ago  Red Pill Book Club

First great initiative!

Starting with the basics would be solid. NMMNG, WISNIFG, Meditations, Pook. Models etc..

Some others I found great are Can't Hurt me, Extreme Ownership, and Never Split The Difference.

Fiction The Bourne Identity, The Fountainhead, The Alchemist, The Great Gatsby and The Count of Monte Cristo are some favourites.

Definitely keen to set aside some time for genuine conversations, and to learn from the point of view of others.

2y ago  Red Pill Book Club

I don't remember subscribing to this.

Yes The 48 Laws of Power. specifically with a one or two law a week format. This way folks who fall behind or find us a little late aren't forced to play catch up to be contributing members of the discussion: as each law has the ability to stand on it's own.

Plus it's sidebar material.

2y ago  Red Pill Book Club

@Kloi the 48 laws of power

2y ago  Red Pill Book Club

Welcome! Tribe created today- 05/08/21- so excuse the lack of content.

Please post in a comment a book you'd like to be on our list, and let's figure out what we're gonna read first!

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