8mo ago  It's Fake!

@SpermBasedLifestyle you lasted less than 24 hours. Pathetic

2 1 69 fcks
8mo ago  It's Fake!

Can someone explain Marylin Monroe? I've slightly looked into why she was so famous and is considered an "icon", but I just don't get it. I don't really understand my own American pop culture. It doesn't resonate with me at all. I feel very alienated from my culture, and it all just seems very disjoint and artificial.

Is there some reason why she was important, or particularly beautiful, or particularly sexy? Is it because she was selected to show more flesh than was acceptable for the time? She seems like perhaps one of the earliest cases of "famous for being famous".

Is it because she was someone who had a talent for connecting with high profile and high status men who passed her around? Was that secret society stuff? Was she a MK Ultra "sex kitten"?

I understand more so how Princess Diana could be perceived as important, but I just don't understand the American variety. Is America just so completely without formal structure that this need must be filled by whomever can place it?

I can't really say that American culture and history of the last hundred years ever resonated with me as something that has to do with me. It seems like the cultural equivalent of brutalist architecture that is meant to impose upon me without giving anything in return. It just seems like some marketing campaigns are made into statues that then supposedly relate to me in a significant way, but I never feel it. Whose culture is that anyways?

It seems to me that America is a place for those who are the most black pill rise to the top. So basically instead of being repulsed by how it's all very strange and fake, to instead using it as an insider angle to exploit and diminish the commons. It becomes about layering on top of the fake narratives and those who believe them in order to sell another product. Built into this is a hard wall that makes most who comprehend this but refuses to participate as somewhere between having "slave morality" and a being loser.

If you're complaining and criticizing then you're not winning, and that is not attractive to the subconscious and unconscious female mind which has been placed in authority over the minds of men. This is culturally reinforced as "if you don't have a solution then you're part of the problem". It is believed and internalized that problems and solutions must be tightly packaged as a product that is delivered upon the marketplace according to the existing pre-programmed insecurities of previous eras. So it just feels like any idea or criticism needs to leverage some existing cultural damage that was inflicted upon society that is traceable to Edward Bernays.

This makes it somewhere between bad manners and a cultural crime to notice a problem, and to diagnose it without immediately providing a solution. They'll demand "Where is my product?" People are willing to pay for a solution as long as it is flattering to them. They'll pay for it, and they want it, but it must not insult them.

But what if people have degenerated to such a state that it has become almost impossible to paper over their ideological failings with just a new flattering product? What if people are just so fat, and so medicated, and so unhealthy, and so delusional and so crazy that it's just not possible to service their needs any longer?

Is this the reason that superstar superhero engineers like Elon "Tom of MySpace" Musk are being fabricated? It's as though the people need a classical Greek hero who is at the front of the army and picks out the opposing hero to fight in the middle of the battle as everyone else on both sides makes space for them to solo each other. We're supposed to believe that Musk is in charge of satellites, space ships, transport, colonization, town square communication, battle field communication, evolution of humanity (through trans-humanism) and the future of financial transactions. What is this nonsense? What huge vacuum in the souls of people is that filling by believing this? It seems that the culture of product needs to have a champion.

Well what about problems in which no product could ever exist to solve them? Wide open illegal immigration seems to be one of those. There has to be a product there to solve that problem, or nothing can be done about it. Walls don't generate rent. Telling someone to go home doesn't generate rent. There is one thing that does generate rent though, and that is intrusive bio-metric surveillance and control of mundane daily activities and transactions. This is a product that can solve a lot of problems for the culture of products.

This brings us back to slavery morality, castration, and the cuckdom of the limited number of people who feel comfortable recognizing a problem without having a product. The vast majority of these people fall into the camp of being Conservatives. They simply want to roll back the clock to relive what already passed. They want to be in a Star Trek time loop forever (which are frankly some of the most trite episodes). They sit there ironically losing valiantly reinforcing the notion that people who only notice problems without having solutions are the problem. Ironically this sentiment is embodied most by liberals who believe that their own failings are the solution.

It's a controlled directed timeline.

How is it possible to repair a failing culture by only utilizing pleasant polite concepts from within that culture? In the last month we've seen how the vast majority of dissident opposition to the rapidly failing paradigm are really just controlled opposition. They could be placed there, or organically rising to the top of the algorithm, because they could be counted on to rally at the certain inflection point that all eventualities would be drawn to. There is no diverging path from this, and so in a sense it transcends religion as prophecy.

The only way to hack prophecy is to consider the infinite while not being bound to its limitations. This requires the power of intention. The problem is that most of you are intent upon being cowards. You think in terms of retarded notions such as winning heroically or losing heroically. You're a slave to the inevitable.

Almost all of you are incapable of comprehending the depths of your doom, and then marinating in that until you transcend it. You just want a product because you're weak faggots.

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2 1 0 fcks
8mo ago  It's Fake!
10mo ago  It's Fake!
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10mo ago  It's Fake!
10mo ago  It's Fake!
1 1
10mo ago  It's Fake!

@Typo-MAGAshiv only for you...

1 1
10mo ago  It's Fake!

@Lone_Ranger you have a diary?

1 3 1,969 fcks
10mo ago  It's Fake!

@Typo-MAGAshiv [makes a diary note to come back in 6 months to reply to this]

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