1mo ago  Would Not Bang
No woman is good enough!
  • mismatched top and bottom

  • blurry background; her photographer sucked!

  • weird lines and bulge at shoulder

  • weird lines on abdomen

  • fucked up expression on her face

final verdict: 2/10. #WouldNotBang #WNB

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2mo ago  Would Not Bang

@Typo-MAGAshiv Got too much hair. Not having that blocking up my shower and I can't afford the conditioner to keep it non frizzy either.
Comes from LA. finding a good woman in LA is harder than Abraham finding a good man in Sodom. 2/10 WNB

1 69 fcks
2mo ago  Would Not Bang
No woman is good enough!

And back to doing it in character as @Acela_nextel like the rest of the thread, and same chick:

  • black

final verdict: 2/10. #WouldNotBang #WNB

2mo ago  Would Not Bang
No woman is good enough!

Revisiting this thread, but dedicating this particular post to @whytehorse2021 for this thread here.

  • what's with the shiny forehead? With skin that oily, it's only a matter of time before a huge acne breakout. Yuck.

  • her teeth look slightly uneven.

  • holy shit, she's over 30. What a decrepit old hag.

  • nice necklace. Where'd you get it, a cereal box?!

  • with hair that big, she won't be able to fit her head through any doors.


final verdict: 2/10. #WouldNotBang #WNB

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3mo ago  Would Not Bang
No woman is good enough!

@Vermillion-Rx oldie but a goodie

3mo ago  Would Not Bang

@Vermillion-Rx lol based

3mo ago  Would Not Bang
Not asking for much

Lmao found this in the wild #WNB


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3mo ago  Would Not Bang

@Typo-MAGAshiv Flouncing is a slightly archaic term, still in current use. I expect you haven't encountered it in spite of being a magazine editor yet because it is a bit old fashioned and you seek to avoid the old fashioned because of its connotations with the patriarchy.

Flounce means to move with jerky movements but it can also mean a strip of material attached only on one edge. Such strips were common in ladies' clothing in the past to draw the eye by movement. When strong independent women wanted to show their disgust in the past they would storm out of rooms striding strongly with jerky movements making their flounces bounce. Its a real girl power move. You have probably been doing it for years without knowing.

3mo ago  Would Not Bang
2/10 roastie


What is "flouncing?" Am I missing something? Is this some kind of Andrew Tate lingo?

And @First-Light doesn't think that I'm bad looking, and I'm just going to follow his opinion instead of anyone else's.

3mo ago  Would Not Bang
No woman is good enough!

@Wahmyn btw, flounce harder

You could use the exercise, Tubbo

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