10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month


I'm older than the internet, and that meme is older than I am.

10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month

@Problematic_Browser lmfao

713 or it'smore charitable variation of 71323 v cards is a commemorative card dump for flouncers for when tonysontanta flounced incredibly hard on 7/13/2023

10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month

@TryingToReform I love you man, but I'm dying at the number of vcards you just took

2 2
10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month

@Typo-MAGAshiv lmao for remembering the 71323 specifically

Have my fcks

10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month


What kind of fifty+ year old man does shit like that

I'm only 43, and there's nothing wrong with having a laugh.

And I'm still far more mature than you.

So nanny-nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo.

10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month

@TryingToReform goddamn, dude

It's the infamous Navy Seal copypasta, and we use it on each other all the time on this site. I used it on @DeeplyDisturbed in the thread spawned by my "Shrek is love" shitpost.

For the love of titties, broseph, all the silly shit within the copypasta is a clue that it's a joke ("gorilla warfare" ffs).

Learn to lighten up and take a joke.

and have some vcards!

10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month

@Vermillion-Rx @TryingToReform @lone_ranger @TheExAlpha

This entire thread receives vcards for reminding me that not only do I still need to do August's Sperg Of The Month, but also July's.

1 4 71,323 fcks
10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month

@TryingToReform what does age have to do with it it's a popular meme

10mo ago  Sperg Of The Month

@TryingToReform @lone_ranger

Bois. Please keep your squabble to a minimum on public square

@TryingToReform whatever flak you got on @TheExAlpha was well deserved and I gave you a new Chance because of your new, better attitude

Ex alpha is in the past but yeah it got its place in sperg of the month for that month so unfortunately you're going to have to deal with it and hopefully you can look back at it and laugh but hois keep the shite to a minimum on public square

1 2 713 vcards
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