routine change up
Muscle confusion, good:
Think it might be time for a deload or a routine change up. Starting to fail with adding weight to my main lifts but have no issue adding reps.
About 12 weeks in of hitting it hard.
@SeasonedRP it depends on what your training goals are
When I was in high school in the 1990s, I was training for athletic performance. Most of the time the weight room was limited on availability, and so that combined with coaches' instructions had me doing bench press, squats, power cleans, and all the auxiliary lifts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tuesdays and Thursdays were usually sprints and agility drills. Other semesters/years had other arrangements, but that was the most frequent one if memory serves.
In the summertime, they'd open the weight room only on MWF, and I'd stick with what I'd been doing in the schoolyear.
Depending on what you're used to, you recover faster than many people think. 48 hours seemed ideal for athletic performance.
@lurkerhasarisen I don't think that's overly ambitious. My training has been going very well lately, and I've been thinking of setting some goals too and perhaps doing a meet again. I'm responding well to high volume workouts on the big 3. Usually 5-6 work sets of doubles or triples in the 80% of max range, sometimes going up to 8 work sets. I'll also throw in 4-5 sets of 3-5 in the 70-75% range after the 80% work sets, so these workouts are pretty high in volume but that's how I got the best results previously, and I'm recovering just fine. Once a month or so, I'll do doubles in the 85-90% range just to feel some heavier weight.
For the last few years, I'd been doing the big 3 lifts once per week, but I've recently added a second squat day and a second bench day and it seems to be helping. I think older lifters can develop work capacity beyond what has been traditionally believed and also hit decent numbers. I saw a youtube video this morning of a 71 year old who bench pressed 315, and his training program was, shall we say, less than optimal. I don't think a 400 deadlift is unrealistic for you at all. I wouldn't mention it to your doctor though, as most doctors are clueless in this area. On the other hand, a few years ago, my surgeon told me to go as heavy as I wanted to once I healed up.
Read MoreSince we’re here in Bodybuilding anyway, I’ve been back in the gym trying to make up for lost time. I was pretty pleased to DL 350 again (I weighed 146 pounds this morning). Between work, school, and a nagging ankle injury, I had dropped down to under 300, so this was nice.
I’m not a “New Year’s Resolution” kind of person, but I’m thinking about setting a goal of 400 for 2025. That may be too ambitious for my scrawny, sexagenarian ass, though. My doctor would be mortified if I told him that I was pushing myself that hard at my age.
You’re right. I’ve been crushing my Sigma grindset for so long that I’ve circled all the way back to Gamma.
I’m so aloof that I don’t even care about myself. Horseshoe Theory isn’t just for politics.
You broke frame bro why are you DEERing bro, c'mon bruh, you're a beta gamma delta male