For the discussion of bodybuilding and lifting for aesthetics.
3w ago Bodybuilding
@Kloi Sounds like a good plan to me. I've trained for periods of time where I've done the big 3 but not at high volume and focused on assistance work usually at 8 reps and up. More of a bodybuilding than a strength routine. I started out training that way and have gone back to it from time to time.
3w ago Bodybuilding
Trying something different; I think the kids call it power building.
PPL twice a week, opening with one of the main lifts for two heavy sets then the rest of the work out hitting the 8-12 rep range.
Example being today was OHP heavy next push day would be some form of heavy Bench.
Also dropping down from 3 sets to 2 working sets per work out.
Hopefully this will elevate some soreness that lingers. Helping me to focus on 4 good sets a week vs 6 per exercise.
4w ago Bodybuilding
@cantkillfaith nope. I followed the strength and conditioning program my coaches gave us when I was in high school sports back in the 1990s, and then augmented what I learned on it with anything else I learned over several years.
4w ago Bodybuilding
@Typo-MAGAshiv right, understood. What about you, are you following one of the programs in the sidebar?
4w ago Bodybuilding
@cantkillfaith if you've been doing nothing your entire life, anything that involves getting off your ass and moving some weights is good
The programs in the sidebar are good for beginners who don't necessarily have a strength coach instructing them
If your goal is to look like late-1970s Ah-nuld (which really isn't necessary), that's going to take years, and you still need to start somewhere.
1mo ago Bodybuilding
Hi, are the routines in the sidebar like 5/3/1 and starting strength good for starting bodybuilding? I thought they were more strength focused, targeting large muscle groups
1mo ago Bodybuilding
Swapped out DB for barbell and vice versu and started putting on weight no problem.
Did also change up from 5 reps to 8 for everything after my openers too.
1mo ago Bodybuilding
My philosophy is:
Anything is better than nothing, and more is better than less as long as you stop short of hurting yourself.
It’s shocking how quickly you lose your edge when you choose “none of the above’”
1mo ago Bodybuilding
@lurkerhasarisen I know how it is when traveling my man. I was shocked when the Loews in Philly and a Marriott property in Scottsdale had free weights. I suspect you'll nail that 400.