3d ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!

@Vermillion-Rx you must have been thinking of the one who at least was actually trying instead of cowering behind the person she's supposed to protect

"She's supposed to protect" - that phrase just seems inherently wrong, unless the recipient of the protection is a child

3d ago  The Dark Winter


I think I'm confusing two different female secret service agents. They were both unqualified for the job but I believe that was not the one I was referring to.

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3d ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!

@Vermillion-Rx look at the photo.

She's currently covering 0% of President Trump's body.

She shouldn't be paid at all.

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3d ago  The Dark Winter


Wage gap

If she can only physically cover 84% of the president's height she should only be paid 84% of a secret service members salary

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3d ago  The Dark Winter

@Typo-MAGAshiv What a great chain of memes!

I will have to reference these at very opportune moment.

3d ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!



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3d ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!


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3d ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!



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3d ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!


1 3
3d ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!


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