3h ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv Fuck. Take it up with firefox.

3h ago  The Hub


Heals Up Harris

You meant "heels up", right?

Unless she's playing a cleric in D&D...

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3h ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed Dont forget "Heals Up Harris" and "Hawk Tauh Harris"

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Reply To roguespa - I don't know what title suits what I wrote lol
I have this habit of opening up to people and not being capable of lying to them or concealing what I'm feeling. For instance, just a few weeks ago, I...... [more]

4h ago 2024-07-26 17:43:10 Ask TRP Forum

You can be honest. It's not what you say, but how you say it. Preface goes a long way?

"Would you like to hear what I'm doing tonight? I'm excited!"

You could be on the spectrum or have tourettes syndrome. Hating yourself doesn't get anywhere. That's a waste of time. Maybe see a therapist about your autism. In the meantime, tell the truth gently.

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Reply To Typo-MAGAshiv - Jennifer Aniston is sick of being single

4h ago 2024-07-26 17:27:17 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Forum
Jr. Hamster Analyst

People don'T come up to people any more.

That's your problem ma'am. Until now, we were not considered people in your radar. So fix it with your people ma'am. Not me. Thanks.

Also wasn't this the same woman who said that men are useless below 33?

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Reply To polishknight - Are our standards unrealistic? Should we settle? What is good enough? At what age should we just give up?

4h ago 2024-07-26 17:21:20 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Forum
Jr. Hamster Analyst

are our standards unrealistic?

Unless she can provide what the man wants in exchange, yes. But I will give them that - they have the freedom to not compromise their standards.

Should we settle?


At which age should we just give up?

This maddens me.

Women outside the kitchen sees the entire world as a kitchen. Here she is asking how long to put the food in the oven until she takes it out. She is looking for a recipe and wants men to fall in her recipe. This conflicts with human empathy.

But whom am I kidding. They are like that. On the other hand, it is her desire and does not affect me. Vorwaerts!

what is good enough?

This however is a fascinating look inside her. She is not looking for someone she is/would be attracted to. She has hit the wall. She is looking for someone that would give her social validation = good enough to present.

She is looking for a pet to show off and get social credits.

A figurehead to give her a mask, and lose his personal space, compromise his personal desires, without getting anything valuable in return.

Of course she'll say thing like her experience, knowledge, changed priorities, etc should be sufficient for a man to give up his desires.

This is highly toxic.

none of them loves their men and they have know clue.

We do. And we are tirelessly telling men to be aware of it.

Toxicity increases.

friends ask their men no more than they ask of themselves.

Why ask then? Why get the same thing via such extra length?

If I have a cow, then why would I go and ask for another cow in exchange of my cow, unless there was something wrong with my cow?

How does this make sense to women?

Also, is she sure, that the women are like that?

Can she Pay for the first date as she expect her suitor to do?

Since there is only one first date, can she go 50/50.

men have lots of unrealistic expectation

Let's check mine.

Pretty, Rapunzel Hairs, Not washed up, no Children, Loves me from a reptile desire (not a sanitized "mature" arrangement), a vessel for my memories, I can guarantee, that she would be with me, while I was building myself up, can raise a garden and chickens and feed me the same, while I research the cure for cancer.

Is that realistic? Who cares.

My doll can fulfill all of these, Besides for the garden and chicken thing. In fact I plan to acquire a Molly Kitchen set (robotic system that I could potentially control through my doll).

I am 35. DO I need to compromise any of this for a washed up aging woman, even if she is not asking any more of me that she asks herself?


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4h ago Ask TRP Forum

I don't know what title suits what I wrote lol

I have this habit of opening up to people and not being capable of lying to them or concealing what I'm feeling. For instance, just a few weeks ago, I went through a breakup and you know the feelings of a post breakup and how bad they are when the breakup is still very recent. So I went to work and I was really mad and feeling down af and many of my coworkers felt that theres something wrong with me and I didnt really want to tell them what is going on or what happened. I didn't tell them exactly what happened but I just told them that I broke up with my girlfriend and some of them insisted to know more and I told them half of what happened because I didn't want to tell them what happened anws, and I just told them half of the story because I didn't know how to lie or how to push them off especially that we work together not just with each other if you know what I mean?

And theres that other thing which always happens to me and im so aware of it lol. Which is when I do something and im happy about it, I just go on sharing with everyone what I did or what happened. For instance, ever since I got into muay thai, I always like to share with my co workers what happened in my last class and what I did or what happened in general, or even when I sleep with a woman or whatever I do that makes me happy I just like sharing it with others and Im not even trying to impress them if that was my motive in the first place lol. And I fucking hate this shit.

And I also open up a lot or even when I'm going to do something crazy or whatever, I just like to tell people that I'm going to do X and X. I just like sharing with others and even try to make them smile as well if u know what I mean.

And the reason why im feeling this about myself which means why i hate this about myself is because I don't like being this guy who opens up a lot about himself or who likes to tell others like "hey im going to fuck this bitch next week" and etc... and im not saying im saying this to my co workers who arent close to me at least, no im telling these things to people who are close to me or are barely close but at least we sit and chat from time to time if u know what i mean.

What do you guys think about this? And how can I stop it? Because believe me I tried but I couldn't. And im the type of a person who is just too honest like if I feel youre a piece of shit i just go on and tell you youre a piece of shit. Its like i dont give a fuck at all and what i lastly said now is a good thing but in general sometimes openning up a lot can be a bad thing, which is being vulnerable and shit.

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4h ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
Urban Hoe Guerrilla

@woodsmoke Late as usual to the convo. You are right on the money. Posts like these are good enough for a conversation in the tribes, but they cannot be permitted in the forums because they do not fit the theme and are going to be bad optics even if it is carefully presented. Discussions are fine, showcasing them is not.

cc: @polishknight, @Typo-MAGAshiv @lurkerhasarisen.

6h ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair

My favorite names for our Dem Candidate:

  • Hindu Nuffin
  • Que Mala
  • Cum Allah
  • Cackling Kamala
  • Kamala the Chameleon
  • Obamala Harris
  • Michelle Light
2 2 2,024 fcks
6h ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv I can guarantee that he didn't say shit to his wife and just stopped fucking. Then they had the conversation after she was upset.

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