2y ago  The Hub

@DeathSaint I agree. I'm all for free speech but there are plenty of folks who shouldn't be advertising their products on TV - big pharma being #1 - most folks lack the understanding of science, and are clogging up waiting rooms, demanding Drug X.

1 245 fcks
3y ago  The Hub

@Fawk_Face love the sauna, #1 thing I miss about going to the gym

What is your DIY setup?

3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

I started watching a lot of habitat reconstruction videos after being furious with how inept and defeatist that Californians are regarding the fires. All over the world people are rising up to solve problems which to them seemed impossible. If you've ever watched World War Two science videos then you'll know how ingenious people were to etch a few more wins in highly specific environments. For example the dimples on golf balls were invented by a program to blow up a dam so that the air dropped mine would rolls backwards as it dropped. People are doing huge things all over the planet. California with all of it's windfall money did fuck all to help itself. Everyone knows now that California and therefore Californians are retarded, but I rejected the place and left during a time when it was still considered to be the dream. I could see that they didn't have any useful qualities about them. If you sit around thinking like and being a faggot then everything will start going wrong for you. It doesn't matter if it's commonly understood or how it's branded. Don't chase the hype. We can do anything. We can terraform the environment, replace shitty bloated jquery with modern code, lose a hundred pounds of fat, anything.

India's Water Revolution #1: Solving the Crisis in 45 days with the Paani Foundation

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3y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool That's a tough one for what we do on account of the social aspects.

If you're some YouTube stock or crypto guru, you tell people some trades you're making, and they all make money following you, a week later you can charge them all money to join your private channel twice a week to chat about trading, because they can literally make that and more back if you're good.

If you're some Red Pill guru, you can't always tell people what to do that's going to get them laid, make their relationship better, make them money, get them better jobs, ace school, get them super-swole, etc. Way too much depends on the tiny factors and little minutia of their life.

I think big question #1 is what are we actually selling that's tangibly valuable to people. I don't think there's money in edgy forum posts and chat rooms. That might be were something kind of like a TRP crypo coin comes into play. The cryptocurrency subreddit has a system where every month they give out their "moon" coin based on how many upvotes you get in their subreddit. It encourages shitty and comical participation to farm upvotes, but at least it gets the people engaged.

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