3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia what kind of fucked up abdication of responsibility is this?

Yes okay, so TRP is amoral, which means we just get to ignore the increasing amounts of cabals supporting pedophilia? Use their platforms because ‘enjoy the decline’

Like I said, complicit in choosing to ignore it. Worse if your millions of subscribers are kept at that specific tit.

3y ago  The Hub

@whiteindia That shit infects trp by being on the pedophile rings platform.

I’m simply advocating for a white hot moment to gut punch these sick fucks with the subscriber numbers r/theredpill has over reddit.

Or we can complain in some months when they close down another one of our subreddits or alternative sites like Parler to obfuscate from the fact they’ve just been caught with their pants down raping children.

3y ago  The Hub

Fucking hell, imagine actually shrugging your shoulders and saying ‘amoral’ over pedophilia.

3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Antelope 18 years for consent is a retarded age for a highly liberalized country. At the same time that this continues to be retarded the sex with pre-pubescents is being normalized.

3y ago  The Hub


What you and @destraht are doing is letting your feels dictate your logic, like women.

If my feels tell my logic that pedophilia and the platforms that harbour them is wrong, then yeah, I’m gonna go that route. Draw a line in the god damned sand.

1 1
3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Antelope He doesn't seem to understand that these people are his enemy because they've chosen to be and that they're coming for him (assuming that he is in the West). Fuck, I'm pretty safe over where I am because this place already went through the ringer a generation ago. I'm not just going to pretend like it isn't bad in the States though and Western Europe as well. There are real enemies and real problems.

3y ago  The Hub


I’d love to, but I’ve only just started learning. I just beat a 700 rated AI so I’ve got the basics.

3y ago  The Hub


Can I spectate on there?

1 1
3y ago  The Hub

@Antelope still wanna game

3y ago  The Hub

Is there a difference between fucking girls that are attracted to you and attracting girls you want to fuck?

I may be overthinking the distinction, of course.

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