1w ago  Red Pill Party Jokes

Two elderly Nuns were driving to minister to some hospital patients. At a red light, the DEVIL suddenly appeared on their hood!

The driver quavers, "Oh Sister, what should I do?" The other replies, "Quick, show him your cross."

So the driver rolls down her window, leans out, and shouts,


2w ago  Women Behaving Badly

@MentORPHEUS nice t-shirt

2w ago  Women Behaving Badly

Breaking story in the Los Angeles area. Late in the night a couple was heard loudly arguing. The woman stabbed her husband to death then fled with their two children, smashing through a parking garage gate in the process. The two children were dropped off on the side of a freeway at 4:30AM. Officers responding to multiple 911 calls found a 6 month old infant dead in a traffic lane and an injured 9yo girl on the shoulder. Shortly thereafter, a few cities away the woman smashed her car at high speed into a mature tree and was killed instantly. Investigators are still determining what led to the tragic event. I'm putting my money on either Mental or Meth.

2w ago  Women Behaving Badly

Young lady probably could have charmed and talked her way into driving away with a ticket and warning at worst. Instead she brats and boss bitches her way to jail and her vehicle getting impounded.


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2w ago  Women Behaving Badly

This lovely day drinking young woman crashes her $100,000 through something unseen up the street, leaves a trail of debris through the wreckage of a $15,000 pad mount transformer, and ends up on her side with her car and a surrounding low-cut lawn on fire. Responding officer knocks the flames down with a fire extinguisher, then painstakingly busts out the panoramic sunroof to rescue her, while she asks if they can't just get the door open.

At the end, something I've never seen in any of the cop or crash videos: she gives birth to an open container!


2w ago  Women Behaving Badly




2w ago  Women Behaving Badly

Tribulations of Methany

  • Mom and Grandpa send her to Lowe's with credit card to buy plants for rental fix-up project
  • Methany buys plants
  • Methany returns plants, gets gift card for value
  • Methany presumably exchanges gift card for street pharmaceuticals at shitty exchange rate
  • Methany returns to Lowe's, steals plants to bring home to Mom and Grandpa
  • Cops catch up to Methany in front of said rental property; her scheme falls apart


1 1 69 fcks
2w ago  Red Pill Party Jokes

At the feed store in town, employees were excitedly discussing a pregnant co-worker getting ready to go to the hospital to have a baby. An old farmer from way out in the countryside piped up that his wife had all 5 of their kids at home in their remote farm house, without any problems. "Oh, that must have been hard!" one of the ladies said. "Naw, she and the baby were fine every time, and now they're all grown. Births happen all the time out on the farm, and I knew exactly how to handle it." There was a pause as the cashier was ringing up things, and he added, "Hardest part was getting her to eat the afterbirth."

3 69 fcks
2w ago  Women Behaving Badly

A domestic violence arrest takes a bad turn when the suspect grabs an officer's gun and starts shooting. The two female officers on scene become WORSE than useless, with one of them, a SERGEANT, firing one handed potshots into the wriggling pile of officers wrestling the suspect on the floor!


2w ago  The Hub

Breaking news in the LA area. Largest cash heist in city's history happened over Easter weekend at a "cash storage facility" used by marijuana businesses that can't legally use regular banks. Thieves broke in through the roof and emptied around $30 million in cash from a vault. If all $100 bills that is at least 6 duffel bags weighing over 100lbs each. Conspiracy theories abound suggesting insider and/or cop involvement. Some Ocean's 14 level shit!

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