1y ago  The Hub

@SamuelAnders never trust what they say. Watch what they do.

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1y ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen

@Typo-MAGAshiv star just for "the dildo of consequence"

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1y ago  The Hub

@imtranscending I remember his posts being decent back in the day, like early 2010s. I popped back into the sub in 2018 and his posts were dramatically different in tone by that point. My understanding is that he's gone off the deep end now.

1y ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS sounds like some left-wing-whataboutism! See I can do it too haha

1y ago  Financial Independence

@Kloi there's a big difference between buying a house in NYC, which is more comparable to your Roman example, and the many places in the US where the market/government is better.

If he wants to live in a big city then yeah it might not be as good of an idea.

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1y ago  Financial Independence

@MentORPHEUS there's plenty of bad economic headwinds right now but buying land/owning a home is one of the few things that will always hold value. Stocks, commodities, ect all markets go up and down.

Owning land means real independence. Unless there is a complete breakdown of law and order, or a fucky workaround (looking at you, eminent domain), it is VERY difficult to take away from you. Its also one of the few things in this world of which there is a truly limited supply (there's only so much land on Earth, and only so much land that is actually desirable to live on) and has intrinsic value in a way that stocks, paper currency, and other stores of value do not.

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1y ago  The Hub

@RedPirate751 As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Sereeeeeeeen-geti

1y ago  Financial Independence

@MentORPHEUS not commercial real estate. Buy a house.

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1y ago  Financial Independence

@paul_ernst real estate is probably the best investment you can make. It also lets you get away from spending on rent each month.

Other options include:

Invest in businesses and ideas you find appealing or promising.

Donate to charities.

Take a vacation somewhere.

Buy huge amounts of chadcoin.

Cut hours and spend the time on yourself and your goals.

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1y ago  The Hub

@Lone_Ranger I know that I must do what's right

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