1y ago  The Hub

@TwoInchesOfShaft Truly great tip. This is definitely something I’ve experienced through social circle in high school.

1y ago  The Hub

@Redpillray if you can go from lower- to upper-middle class in ~5 years, I'd say it's worth it. If it's ~20 years, probably not.

1y ago  The Hub

@adam-l makes sense. Time to prioritize money

1y ago  The Hub

@Desaint so that means OLD and cold approach are out and the only true answer is to build status.

I was kinda hoping this would be the consensus too, as looksmaxxing and being socially skilled, has got me just enough hot girls to keep me comfortable, but it still felt sub-optimal.

1y ago  The Hub


It's not by accident that we live in a class society. It's by design. That way, the upper class can have the hot girls pouring in, lured by abundance display - and mentality.

If you don't have money, what's inescapable is that you have to have another way to display abundance. Looksmaxing, ultra-social, some kind of performer, high status in one context... these kind of things.

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1y ago  The Hub

Where do you meet girls?

Or, to put it differently:

How do you create a predictable source of platable women?

To solidify an abundance mentality I feel like I need to evidentially know that if one of my plates acts up, I can get sex elsewhere.

What are some methods that have been most reliable for you?

I know that:

  1. Creating a lifestyle where you’re around beautiful girls all the time and they just organically fall into your sphere is an option. Probably the best one too.

  2. Online dating is an option.

  3. Cold approach is an option.

  4. Social circle game is an option.

For me personally:

On the topic of SMV, I am in great shape, 25, 5’8, kinda like a shorter, more buff, Cristiano Ronaldo, socially adept. Get IOIs from women at the gym all the time. However, I’m broke for now. And I understand that money is a foundational component of status, and freedom of location for option 1., so I’m working on it.

Online dating rarely results in dates. I match with a lot of hot girls, but it rarely translates into dates. Once every 2-3 months or something, if that.

Cold approach is as low ROI as OLD, but it does comprise volume. Especially at the bar. I’ll make out with ultra hot girls at the bar, but it never results in plates with devotion.

Finally, social circle is something I’m going to start working on as I’m moving to a new city again, shortly. In the past, this has worked best for me, in that it’s the only thing that actually gets me laid lol.

Anyway, I’m sure there’s things I’m doing wrong, but if anyone has any advice on how to create a reliable pipeline, I am all ears.

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1y ago  The Hub

@Jocbro I wouldn’t say you’re starting from scratch. All the traits you learned along the way will have you back to baseline fast. In addition, you’re aware of any pitfalls, so whatever you do now will be a cleaner solution.

I know this is not the practical advice you might be looking for, but it’s important for you to have self belief right now.

You did it once, you can do it again. Faster and better.

1y ago  The Hub

@Lionsmane8 this is very accurate. As a man it’s hard for me tolerate disrespect, so even when she wants to feel my strength by shit testing me, I find it repugnant being left on delivered, etc. for 20 hours and I’ll just block them.

Also, what you mentioned about intent vs interest was quite interesting. Could you elaborate on that perhaps?

1y ago  The Hub

@58to62LegLengthening you’ve hit the nail on the head. I’m going to check this out. Thank you

1y ago  The Hub

@58to62LegLengthening this is GOLD. Thank you!

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