@Redpillray, I second @Lone_Ranger. It probably isn't about her weight, what bothers you most is that having a stable girl takes away time from the hotties. You just have to decide if the things she provides as she is now make it worthwhile to keep her.
1mo ago The Hub
@Lone_Ranger I find her attractive for now. She’s not extremely overweight. She’s 5’8 and 77 kilo. So if she lost 10 kilo, she’ll be fine.
1mo ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed thats the first thing I’m trying to have her fix. Stopped most of her junk food.
1mo ago The Hub
How/should I get my girl in shape?
Been with this girl a while. Main reason is she’s 0 drama and super supportive while I’ve been building my business.
Like a propeller.
However, I’ve been seeing a few other girls here and other, one of them a Polish IG model and another equally hot girl.
It’s making me angry with my current girl because I feel like a loser for being involved with a fat girl, giving her my attention. Especially, when I actively cut off my time with the other “hotter” girls to spend time with her.
Despite quite a few attempts, she’s not really getting in shape. She plays lacrosse or some dumb shit, but it’s not helping, and I don’t know if I should continue trying to “fix” her.
The only reason walking away feels so difficult is because she’s been more supportive than any other girl I’ve been with.
Appreciate any thoughts, gents.
Read More1y ago The Hub
So gentlemen I bring you an interesting question today.
I’m finally in a position in life now where I can move out of my home country.
Most of the digital nomad visas are applicable to me. So that puts a lot of great options on the map.
My question is how do I decide where to go? What factors should I think of?
Individually traveling to and trying 15-20 places is at the very least a 60-80 day effort and organising the visas would be a challenge in itself.
I can, at most, try 4-5 places. As a jumping off point, Eastern Europe is appealing to me. I also get along with the women there pretty well. But I’m still unsure what the right move is or how to decide.
All I know is, there need to be pretty girls, I can’t live in isolation.
Appreciate any guidance. Thank you
1y ago The Hub
@TwoInchesOfShaft this is intriguing. Are you saying most people working 8-10 hour days are just screwing around and not actually working and taking the best possible actions during those hours?
Because it does appear that a lot of people talk a big game about how hard they work but when you see their person and who they are, it doesn’t look like someone who has that mentality.
1y ago The Hub
I’ve been thinking about money a lot and I wonder, what separates the winners from the losers in this game?
If I look at sport, it’s hard work. The man willing to train himself to the bone will win.
The more skilled man.
Here it seems like hard work is not enough or construction workers would be the highest paid people in the world.
Everyone seems to be “working hard”, but only a select few make it.
What’s the edge?
1y ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv this was comprehensive and gave me the answers I was looking for. Thanks.
As far as co-habitation and marriage is concerned, I share your views. However, all that is still a long ways off for me since I’m 25 right now. Do you see things changing in a few years with the pushback now? I see redpill rage all over Instagram, YouTube, and other mainstream social media now.