5y ago  The Hub

If I work really hard on a project which requires determination and discipline, I don

5y ago  The Hub

@winninglosing how does she talk about the guy? Long time guy friends rarely get the pussy, I wouldn

5y ago  The Hub

@winninglosing The exchange semester is tricky. She will probably talk to you again about it and say something like

5y ago  The Hub

@SeasonedRP @winninglosing you could do that, would probably be the reasonable thing. You will know if she

5y ago  The Hub
5y ago  The Hub

Still surprised by TRP. Last time I saw my LTR, I was tired af and in pain. We talked a bit and I let slip that I

5y ago  The Hub

@TheStoicCrane Does make sense on some level. Roosh always talks about that. Does it in a funny way too. Maybe worth trying his podcast.

5y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool Roosh always has some gold nuggets in his rants

5y ago  The Hub

Damn was shocked last week. A guy I know told me his girlfriend lost his kid. I said it was sad. He said it

5y ago  The Hub

Is there an option to exploit a woman

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