2y ago  The Hub

Banging sluts is poor motivation for lifts, but losing a fight sure as hell works. Maybe that's why they did it in Fight Club.

1 2
2y ago  The Hub

@carnold03 Inspirational quotes seem so feminine, I prefer the meme version

2y ago  The Hub


Although it's a dangerous game, I do enjoy fucking the leaders of local feminist movements

If that's true, this should be your desktop background.

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2y ago  The Hub

Although it's a dangerous game, I do enjoy fucking the leaders of local feminist movements

2y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV stop whining on the internet and try improving yourself and actually talk to women. if youre not somewhat fit with a hundred rejections you got better things to do than spending your time here crying

2y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV trust me when i say that what i wrote definitely applies to you. maybe try adapting the mindset for a couple months and see if youre still a sorry piece of blackpill shit afterwards

2y ago  The Hub

irrelevant, your state of mind should be eliminating the facts you cant change and working to change the ones you can. or die a miserable loser, your choice

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2y ago  The Hub

@IBelieveInTheFallen i bet that was funnier in your head

2y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV what the fuck dude? looking for validation from strangers and girls on the internet? get a fucking grip, read some of the sidebar material you skipped

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2y ago  The Hub

@Initial-Glove tits or GTFO

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