3y ago  The Hub

@theredtriangle For this specific woman, it could have been about status. As a leftover woman in China, she wanted to score a white guy to boost up her status a bit. She knew rich white men go for cute, young Asian women. So, she had to adjust her expectations. Still, a white guy is a catch and a status boost to an Asian woman. She probably would not marry an Asian school teacher.

3y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv Good meme for the weekend.

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3y ago  The Hub

@moorekom I was planning to do just that. It'll have to wait until tomorrow on reddit, though.

3y ago  The Hub
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3y ago  The Hub

@moorekom that was an awful lot of blather that didn't really say anything except "waaaah! Being a woman is so difficult!"

3y ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv isn't it always?

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3y ago  The Hub

@moorekom yeah. I ought to know better than to read any of those.

3y ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
Urban Hoe Guerrilla

@goodmansaysfuckyou Late as usual. I archived the child sub. I don't remember contributing much to the main one. That credit goes to @kevin32.

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