4mo ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
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4mo ago  The Hub


I appreciate that, Thank you!

4mo ago  The Hub


Does she even realize the prize for winning the game is cheap Wine and Litterboxes?

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4mo ago  TheRedPill


I kept the mug because it's a lesson that needs to be remembered on a daily basis. You either ask her out for a date and make your intentions known or you sit on the sidelines and watch other guys do it.

There is that aspect of it as well.

She pines for you.

4mo ago  TheRedPill


I still drink my coffee out of it sometimes to remind myself the man I once never was to her.

I had one of those Girls in School. Knew her since Grade 3 and always liked her. I was in her "friendzone" even though I was never aware of what that was.

In Junior/Senior High, she dated bad boys that sold drugs and had decent cars because of it. AFIK - was knocked up not long after Grad by one of them. I lost contact with her and heard around that she ended up with two kids from different Fathers. Ended up marrying someone and moving away.

I haven't heard anything about her in 40 years.

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4mo ago  Tech Talk


And, that is why I will not knowingly or willingly use any of those DNA Registries.

The worst aspect is if enough of my relatives use them, they are able to build a dataset about me by correlation and extrapolation alone.

Drop in online and cellular data collection and you can create a fairly accurate picture of me.

4mo ago  Red Pill Me


We'll always miss that Man.

7mo ago  The Hub


I'm not well versed in the language used in this study. This would be my interpretation only.

"Female intrasexual competition may be assortative with respect to mate quality."

I will first assume this statement is directed toward Cis-Heterosexual Women.

They are in a competition to secure the "Alpha Male", and anything an individual can do to put themselves ahead without the risk of taking themselves out of the game (All is fair in Love and War).

Each Woman has a vision of who makes her moist, (whether that be 6/6/6 Chad, Ghetto T'rash or anywhere in-between) and will take measures against other Women that are chasing the attention of that group of Men.

There is no point in sabotaging Women seeking Men outside her chosen group.

I think that explains this part of the quoted line;

may be assortative with respect to mate quality.

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7mo ago  The Hub

This just in! Off with her hair: Intrasexually competitive women advise other women to cut off more hair.

I'm sure it's all the fault of the Patriarchy, somehow...

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7mo ago  The Hub
2 4 696 fcks
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