1y ago  The Hub


You’re a fool for venturing into the main subs of Reddit and voicing common sense shit to clowns.

Waste not your energy on untermensch.

1y ago  The Hub


Keep trying different things.

You have a nice mix there. Gym, dancing, martial arts.

The other side of coin is maximising when you’re there.

So many guys do each of activities, and fuck off. Barely talk to anyone there, or just talk when they have to, and keep it minimal.

Don’t do that. Actively try and befriend people, get their contact details and from that watch shit spiral up.

1y ago  The Hub

@Apollo Reading Plato or Aristotle doesn't suddenly make you ancient Greek or a Philosopher.

The way he conducts his life screams micropenis energy. Who brags about supercars and doesn't realise they're behaving like a socially spastic faggot?

I struggle to decide whether he's more of a spastic than Prince Andrew or not.

1y ago  The Hub


us to just say "he's not with us, thanks."

Interesting. But how isn’t he with us?

Sure he may publicly distance himself from us. But:

  • He’s admitted to reading manosphere stuff in the past.

  • His close friends are all from the manosphere.

  • The way he conducts his life is very manosphere-esque
1y ago  The Hub

The secret to a well groomed beard.

2 1
1y ago  The Hub


Eh, don’t be so pessimistic brah.

The first step to unplugging I’d argue is no longer trusting in the establishments and institutions, and that Tate does exceptionally.

Stirring distrust of the mainstream narratives and structures is his speciality and we need that.

Sheep to tate are far better than sheep to the mainstream . At least you can network, find brotherhood with them.

1 2
1y ago  The Hub


Don’t be gay.

In 10 years, you will hardly remember what it was like playing video games specifically on that day but you would certainly remember that one night with a 7/10 milf.

1y ago  The Hub


Wait. This is a dude messaging you (another dude) ??

When I posted my Tinder photos / progress pictures on there, I would get a multitude of DMs from 30-ish women and lots of gay dudes

Why were dudes messaging you on tinder? Did you set yourself to bi?

1y ago  The Hub

Should get him to spend more.

It’s immoral to not take money from these simps.

1 1
1y ago  The Hub






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