2y ago  The Hub

@hannulv usb agreed but that’s like learning a behaviour by changing your values (make learning games priority ) not acting it out. The way he says be cocky , many might misinterpret it and google how to be cocky , find some cocky lines and dive right in. Cockiness has a lot less to do with worlds and a lot more to do with a healthy sense of self which is non needy and has set boundaries that elludes confidence.

2y ago  The Hub

There’s a clash of ideas (based on different interpretations )and I have a strong gut feeling Manson is right in this one. Both these books are well respected , I’ve read half of the rational male and left it at that long ago. Halfway through models and reading it. Only after reading models I realised —>. I’ve been playing games hence attracting like women and wondering why tf can’t they be normal and honest with me. Now I realise why. I was oblivious to my unconscious behaviour of trying to game them (which was due to my poor past with girls as in having no attention as I was the fat kid and all but now that I’m all good I still fell like I need t fims a logical sequence or steps of some sorts and women won’t accept me for who I am)

There maybe certain evolutionary aspects that women are turned on by just like men turned on by big booty and stuff. But here’s a link to the blog which is also the excerpt from the rational male that I’m talking about in the title


While I was introduced to the redpill via the rational male , I was happily influenced and this particular chapter reaffirmed my belief that I can’t be myself.

Models says otherwise , it tells you to be honest. So does no more mr nice guy. Whim Rollo doesn’t go for the idea of trying to be someone to chase women as he constantly talks about being the prize but this excerpt right here is fucked up in some ways I think (please read the blog to relate as what I’m about to talk about )

  1. Rollo confuses "being yourself" synonymous to having a poor lifestyle ,and he goes on to say that expecting women to be attracted to you when you’re a loser fat fuck is crazy. And I agree to this

But correct me if I’m wrong, I think someone might easily interpret this as "don’t be yourself ,it’s all a game , play it better. This can lead to chronic shifting of personalities leading to chronic validation seeking behaviour.

  1. There’s a part in this blog where Rollo gladly mentions that people can only tell if you’re faking a behaviour if that know what your original behaviour is and says that in a group of strangers you can chose whatever you want to be. With this line of thought he might be trying to push forward trying to be comfortable in getting out of your comfort zones.

This seems like pushing a need based personality change which can again lead to loss of genuineness and attracting the kind of girls momentarily only to fall back to your default behaviour (I’m not referring The afc or some shit but otherwise genuine confident behaviour ) only to find out she was attracted to your funny jokes which were actually badly played but maybe she didn’t realise it and now she finds out you’re not that funny at all Another interpretation :

But it can lead to a try hard kind of behaviour and it’s pretty easy to spot a try hard even when you’re surrounded by strangers , it’s even easier with friends.

I became aware of my false interpretations only after reading models as in the first chapter he talks about honest living and it supports Rollins idea of not being a lazy sack of shit . But I feel like Rollo over generalised it by saying just be yourself is a bad idea as for someone who’s pretty good at everything except dating this can be bad advice as he will try up for more of his inadequacies to justify the point Rollo is trying to make

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Just Be Yourself
We are who we say we are. | Medium
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2y ago  Stoicism

@FrancoAP but check him out nonetheless

2y ago  Stoicism

@FrancoAP really wouldn’t

2y ago  The Hub

Website* the first world In the last third line

2y ago  The Hub

Individualism vs institutionalism

Regular internet using guy. Being brought up in pretty conservative (in the sense of staying traditional with career choices with dad being doctor and all and him wanting me to be too ) environment.

Is sticking to traditional jobs good. There’s a train of thought by cal Newport in his book so good they can’t ignore you which focuses on craftsman mindset instead of passion mindset.

Me having some interest and wanting to develop more , and try them out in the world makes it hard for me to focus on med school rn. There’s so much stuff I’m missing out on, in terms of working hard like starting blog or podcast reading books meeting like minded people stuff like that. I’m actually willing and pretty interested by the fact of hustling for myself instead of sticking to the traditional paths.

Thoughts ?

A good place for me to start is skill leaning. I’m a regular reader of books that interest me. Pretty basic books pretty generic like david died a, mark Manson , Jordan b peterson and Sam Harris. I’m onto creating website but it’s hard to develop a personal brand on website when all I do is read and study to pass my exams( which is still 2 years of course left ) I guess I can develop we hostel around topics that interest me , mindfulness, masculinity , personal development etc.

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2y ago  The Hub


wow that’s um pretty fucking messed up

How so?

2y ago  The Hub

@carnold03 wow that’s um pretty fucking messed up

2y ago  The Hub


Where does trp stand with honesty and manipulation. Is trp manipulative to get laid or is it my false interpretation

- I have a feeling it’s not but i wonder where the fuck I caught this feeling about it

TRP's stance is that you don't owe any slut the truth, not even your grandmother, mother, sister, daughter, or wife. If they want honesty, they must earn it from you.

2y ago  The Hub

@AFTSOV thank you , self awareness is like a shield in my life. I actively remain mindful to see when I fuck up. I’ve often caught myself blaming myself too much and then I realise I’m not perfect and I’m allowed to make mistakes but not the same ones twice. The big reason I’ve been holding back from being ltr with her is the fact when I started dating another girl , she didn’t wait two days to sleep with a guy she’s been talking to for years. She confessed to me that she found him hot and was holding back because we were involved (although only in a fwb) but as soon as she saw me with another girl (same college ) she had no reason to hold back and she fucked that guy. Rationally this wouldn’t bother me because for one we were not in a relationship and she’s allowed to do what I’m doing otherwise I would be a hypocrite. But here’s the catch , me having feelings for her incited strong jealousy in me. I resented her , again being mindful and realising it’s only fair what she did. Now when I think of being monogamous w her I’m concerned that she might do what she did again in the future. And I am pretty sure that’ll destroy me . I probably am being way too skeptic but it makes sense since I’m 22 and never been an ltr therefor no experience and a lot of walking on eggshells

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