2y ago  5th Generation War

@KaleMonster Travelling with the gun is important in many cases, because it could be(and has been) used to prove intent to harm. For example, if someone showed up at a gang-rife area and provoked a dude into fighting him, then offs him thereafter, would that still be self-defence? It's indeed an interesting case.

Like I said, I don't even know how I feel about it anymore. Never really supported the rioters, so I don't give a shit about them personally. Just thinking from philosophy is all this case is for me

2y ago  The Hub

@Kloi They are. Don't let the mass media convince you otherwise. Elon Musk is planning to launch a brothel based on v-cards in Mars.

2y ago  5th Generation War

@KaleMonster Honestly, I pushed out this post a couple days ago but I'm honestly already starting to feel sympathetic to him. However, I wouldn't say this is self-defence in its raw form; it still has to be proven if soliciting a gun underage, then going to a dangerous event in the name of 'protecting your fam's property' uncommissioned warrants you to shoot. All in all, it really doesn't make a great difference in the long scheme of things. People are still gonna riot and showing up to events with more hostility isn't really going to solve things. We'll see how it goes I guess.

2y ago  The Hub

@Kloi Looking forward to it coming to Canada

2y ago  The Hub

@IBelieveInTheFallen This is the exact comment that sums up the issue. Honestly, I'm at a crossroads for how to process the events myself.

2y ago  The Dark Winter

@redpillschool Yeah I don't know media seems to be dividing the issue into radical halves. On one half you got white-guilters who claim the whole issue was racism and support rioting, then you got the other half that unwaveringly supports the right to kill.

2y ago  Tech Talk

@redpillschool Indeed. Piracy on that thing is gonna be a BEAST.

2y ago  Tech Talk

@splifferoo Everything in moderation I say. Steam deck is cool.

2y ago  Tech Talk

@redpillschool Never thought I'd see the Steam Deck posted here with all the hate video games have on TRP

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2y ago  5th Generation War

Sad day for wannabe shooters across America

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