6mo ago  It's Fake!

@Lone_Ranger I already said I'd use it every time it fits. This isn't even the second time I've used it on you, but more like 30th

1 1 305 vcards
6mo ago  It's Fake!

@Typo-MAGAshiv oh dear lord we are stuck in a loop... scroll up, and you will see that you have already posted that meme.

Vcards for you when I find you on the other side....

1 304 vcards
6mo ago  It's Fake!

@Lone_Ranger lol this is u

6mo ago  It's Fake!

@lurkerhasarisen I'm NOT pregnant, its just a few extra pounds, how dare you, HOW VERY DARE YOU!!!

2 18 fcks
6mo ago  It's Fake!


better early than late

And better late than pregnant!

1 3
6mo ago  It's Fake!

@Typo-MAGAshiv SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER! It's only been 4 months, but hell, better early than late.

2 2
8mo ago  It's Fake!


You just want a product because you're weak faggots

Tony, is that you buddy ole pal?

8mo ago  It's Fake!

@Vermillion-Rx Gonna give old @Kevin a run for his money at this rate.

…Haha just kidding!

8mo ago  It's Fake!

@Victor sad lol

I think he just wanted his posting history erased + gets most of his social interaction here

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