1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Never Shit-Posts

Let's try this aagain, @Wahmyn

Site formatting keeps messing this up

Open a DOS prompt

Type in the following, minus the quotes, and hit enter:


1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Never Shit-Posts


How do you guys make links look like text

Open a DOS prompt

Type in the following, minus the quotes, and hit enter:


1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Never Shit-Posts


You only hate shoes because of that one ex of yours, you freak

Tag @goodmansaysfuckyou - you'll want to get a load of that thread I linked

Also, what's with the 4-month delay in replying? are you trying to channel @lone_ranger and become a thread necromancer?

1 5 + 1 0.123456
1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Has Oneitis for Twins



A - How did I get dragged into this? B - It's FEET bro. I hate shoes. Never owned a pair. C - Fuck YOU! D- Fuck you AGAIN! E - Have some cool little tokens of your pillow bitery.

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1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Sigma Oak Chadfux

I like your use of "Survivor" That's a really empowering way to look at it. You didn't have the election stolen from you like a victim, you survived it. You are a survivor. They could not destroy you.

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1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)


It's been hard to type for a while. I've almost made a full recovery.

My friends and I are not worried about the election. We know that Kamala won't certify the election results and she'll still become President. There is no way she would let an orange rapist felon be President.

All those racist magerts will need to cope when Kamala certifies herself as president

I'm even more ready to tackle misogyny on this Tate sewer in the coming weeks after I survived

1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Sigma Oak Chadfux

@Wahmyn Oh its good to see you back. We missed you and your insightful comments that give diversity to our forum.

How are you managing after that election shocker? Hope you and your friends are coping OK.

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1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)

Why didn't my link text work? How do you guys make links look like text i used quote marks it didn't do anything

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1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)


Oh my God, yes Queen!

I'm still recovering from my bear attack a few months back:

" www.trp.red/feed/status/208734 "

I'm so glad a man didn't bring his gun around me, gun nuts are a turn off and so are men. If they didn't vote for Kamala they are not real men

Still thankful a man didn't approach me in the woods, I carry pepper spray for that reason. A man asked me for the time yesterday and i pepper sprayed him real good

That was just a creepy Andrew Tate tactic

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1w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Never Shit-Posts


choosing to encounter a bear instead of a man was totally the right choice!

[TwoX] [Smash The Patriarchy And Kill All Men]

trigger warning: dad animal, man posing with a gn

like, ohmiGAW, did any of you see this incel post on an incel forum?!

That man k*lled that huge bear!

This means that all those womyn on TikTok who said they'd rather encounter a bear have been vindicated.

Men are dangerous. More dangerous than bears.

That poor thing was probably napping in an easy chair with a cat on its lap, a fire in the fireplace, and a kettle of SleepyTime tea steeping on a nearby table.

#KillAllMen #SmashThePatriarchy

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